Shadow Born

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No One's POV:

Yn walked into the main room. He sets down his water bottle and takes a seat at the coffee table. After his shopping trip yesterday with most of the Overwatch Operatives the group came back to the watch-point. They drank a little and caught up on the glory days of Overwatch. Yn listened intently, he had already known about most of it but hearing it from real-life operatives was way better than any catalog or form he could read from.

 Yn listened intently, he had already known about most of it but hearing it from real-life operatives was way better than any catalog or form he could read from

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??: Guten Morgen.

Yn turns his head and sees Angela walking towards him. She was already dressed in her doctor's outfit.

Yn: Morning Doc.

Angela: Yn please, call me Angela. I feel like we have gotten to a first-name base at this point.

Yn: Sorry Angela, force of habit I guess.

Angela walks over to the table and sits down on the opposite side of him.

Angela: How are you feeling today?

Yn: All things considered good. Got a quick workout in before starting my day.

Angela: Staying productive as ever I see.

Anglea lets out a giggle.

Angela: For someone in your situation you are handling everything quite well Freundin.

Yn: Just trying to stay busy as all...

Angela noticed the shift in Yn's mood. His eyes look down at the table looking at his reflection.

Angela: Your mind still travels back toward home... Doesn't it?

Yn: (Sigh) Trying not to actually...

Angela: We will figure something out for you. Mach dir keine Sorgen. Winston is one of the world's greatest minds. He will find a way.

Yn: Maybe... Winston already told me about it. Even if he were able to build a machine, we have no idea which universe is mine. It would like to be looking for a specific needle in a needle factory...

Angela reaches her hand over the table and grabs the young man's hand. Yn's looks up at her.

Angela: You must keep faith Yn... Everything is going to be okay.

A soft smile crosses his face. He did not fully believe in the possibility of him going home but it was nice to have people in this universe caring about him.

Yn: Thank you An--


Alarms start going off across the base. Angela quickly pulls her hand off of Yn and looks up. Pharah, Lena, Emily, and Winston then all run into the room.

Guardian from another World (Overwatch x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now