Lay of the Land

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Yn's Pov: 

My eyes begin to flutter open. I felt the warm sunshine of the Mediterranean hit me. I began to sit up and get out of bed. I slept in my clothes already so all I had to do was I walk over to the bathroom and turn the sink on. I splash some water into my eyes finally getting my system to wake up. I look up into the mirror.

Yn: Nope still dreaming.

I sigh before composing myself. I walk out of the bathroom and out towards the door. The door slides open, and I walk out into the hallway. I'm greeted with a strong smell. Someone must be cooking something. I walk down the hallway. I wall into the kitchen and I can see Lena cooking breakfast. She looks up from her pan and sees me.

Lena: Yn, luv you're awake!

Yn: Hey Lena. 

Lena pulls a plate out and slides a piece of french toast. She blips over and hands it to me. She hands me a fork. I dig in instantly. 

Yn: Not bad Lena, not bad at all.

Lena lets out a cute giggle. 

Lena: How are you holding up Yn?

I sigh and put down my plate, Lena picks up on this and give me a sympathetic look.

Yn: Truth be told I'm really on the fence honestly. On one hand it's truely amazing that I traveled to another world and got to met people who were only mentioned as stories and legends. The advanced technology is also amazing.

Lena: But?

Yn: There's the other half. I'm away from friends and family. There's also the chance that I won't even be able to ever get home...

Lena: Don't say that love. Well find you a way to get you home. Winston is one of the smartest people on the planet. We'll figure it out.

Yn: Right. Well for now there's nothing we can do. Is there anything I need to do at the moment?

Lena: Well, Angela wants to see her in her office. She wants to run a few  more medical tests on you. Just in case your in good health. 

Yn: Okay. You know where her office is?

Lena: She's down the hall and the last one on the left.

Yn: Right thanks's Lena.


No One's POV:

After a quick walk down the hall Yn had finally reached Angela's office. The door slides open and Yn steps in to her office. Angela's office was lined was vast amounts of medical equipment. Sitting at a large oak desk sat Angela herself. She wore the same outfit that she had met Yn in. She was looking over medical charts when she looked up.

Angela: Ah, Yn glad you could join me. 

Yn: Hello Angela.

Angela: Please take a seat.

Angela motions to the chair that sat in front of her desk. Yn pulls the chair out and sits down. Angela pulls out a holo-pad from her desk.

Angela: We already have gone over some simple blood work, but I want to make sure I go over everything.

Yn: Of course.

Angela: Is there any under lying medical issues that you had or have in your life?

Yn: There was one. Do you mind if I show you.

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