Chapter 1....New beginings

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Zeta opened the door....

Zeta's pov:

In the beginning, we're all told stories of how our ancestors were given a second chance and how we all can live in peace and harmony, embodying what we feel and love: rebirth, second chances, hopes given, and love shared. I was always favored wherever I went, but being a young, different kid growing up at an orphanage, expressing myself was a difficult task. But after being moved to my first foster home and then to my family at the age of 13, I knew how I wanted to present myself and who I was and how to go about it? My mother, Saraswati Anwar, was a very kind woman. She was a single parent, and when I came out to her at the age of 15, some 2 years after being adopted by her, I started puberty blockers and hormone replacement therapy.

My mother always taught me to be a strong woman, and from that day on till the day she breathed her last, I told myself I would never let anyone remind me of the life of trauma i has lived. I had graduated nursing school as the best registered nurse and student overall. I was given the opportunity to work at the hospital where I had done my internship, at Hillers Medics. Moving from my home, where I had grown up and had a lot of memories, both good and bad, was a starting point for me in the life I have now and the life I have always wanted to live.

As I covered the last piece of furniture with the covering fabric and switched off the lights, I could feel my mother's presence in the dark living room. But this time, it didn't carry overwhelming emotions. She carried hope, and my heart bloomed as tears dropped from my eyes to the wooden floors. I muttered, "Please be with me, for I shall return here someday."

Zeta opened the door and stepped out onto the front porch, where her neighbor, Mrs. Answeri, was standing on the sidewalk. Mrs. Answeri smiled warmly and said, "Good morning, dear! I heard you were selling the house. Is that true?"In her thick Indian accent she questioned,

Zeta shook her head. "No, Mrs. Answeri, I'm not selling the house. My mother would never want me to do that."

Mrs. Answeri's eyes welled up with tears. "Oh, Zeta, that's such a relief to hear! Your mother was such a dear woman, and she would have wanted you to keep this house and cherish all the memories you made here. I can't imagine how difficult it must be for you without her, but know that she's still with you in spirit. And she would be so proud of the person you've become."

Zeta was overwhelmed with emotion, and she threw her arms around Mrs. Answeri. "Thank you so much, Mrs. Answeri. Your words mean the world to me. You've always been like a second mother to me, and I'm so grateful to have you in my life."

Mrs. Answeri hugged Zeta back and said, "The feeling is mutual, my dear. Now, I know your mother wouldn't want you to be moping around, so let's go get some tea and a pastry at the bakery to get you ready for your trip, shall we?"

Zeta smiled and wiped the tears from her eyes. "That sounds like the perfect way to honor my mother's memory. I'm ready when you are!"

The two of them walked down the sidewalk, chatting happily and remembering the good times she'd had with Zeta's mother Mrs. Answeri's voice cut through the bustling sounds of the bakery as they finished making their purchases stuffing zeta with lots of sweets and cakes and her bags weren't left, "Zeta, I have one last gift for you before you go."Her voice calm and filled with emotions She took out a small, velvet box from her pocket and opened it to reveal a delicate necklace the same one her mother always wore. "This was your mother's necklace she wore it on her everytime it's so dear to her I made sure I did as she said to cremate her and pass this on to you,. I know she would want you to have it, to carry her love with you always."

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