"first freind"

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"Kikyo, maya, kei, yosuke good morning" I greeted as I entered the class and they greeted me back with kei smiling gratefully and maya blushing, where kikyo was wearing her facade like usual.

"Good morning suzune" said I patting her head.

"G-good morning" she replied as she out her book down.

"About what you said yesterday" started suzune as I nodded at her.

"If you want ot tell them, then you should do it after the classes or lunch break" I said as she nodded.

After a while lunch break started.

"You will announce the info now?" I asked as suzune nodded.

Since she was announcing what I told her yesterday to the class, hirata, kikyo and kei is obviously needed to stop the class from breaking into chaos, where maya will also stay with kei.

"Aaagh, I don’t have any freinds outside the class" I muttered in disappointment as I bumped into someone.

A girl with strawberry blonde hairs and beautiful face, she was with her friend.

"Watch where you are going" I glared at her with dakr eyes as she gulped but immediately gained her composure.

"Hey, you are the one who should watc-" a girl with black hairs which were tied in a ponytail tried to retort but I just glared at her.

"It's ok mako chan" said the girl. "It seems like he is having a bad day, I have seen him with kushida and karuizawa san and he looked like a very gentle person, you must be ayanokoji kun right.?" She asked as I nodded.

"Eek" a girl who was standing with them shrieked as my eyes landed on her, it widened.

The girl had dark blonde hairs and a beautiful and symmetrical face with blue eyes which were mesmerizing like a jewel.

"Y-yuki?" I asked as she also looked at me and her eyes widened.

"D-do you two know each other or something?" Asked the girl with a ponytail but neither of us replied.

It looked line the strawberry girl also wanted to say something but didn't

"K-kiyotaka?" She asked.

The memories of the time where I pathetically threw her, when she was begging to me and how I left her at her worst.

All flashed before my eyes,

She might


She does despise me.

Of course.

Suddenly I felt arms of someone embracing me,

"W-h" for the first time on my life, I was at lost for words.

She embraced me like she was not planning to let go

"Kiyotaka" she was repeating my name again and again.

But why?

"I feel like I can smile when I am around you" her words surfaced in my memory.

The black and strawberry haired girls were just standing there looking at us.

I also hugged her back.

Close to me,

"Kiyotaka" she muttered again.

I could see some students looking at us, after my performance in the club fair I became pretty popular so they probably know me already.

After a few moments I ended the hug as I led Yuki out of the school and in my dorm.

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