22: JNPR vs MWDS

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MWDS Character details:

-Marilyn Bludvin

Position: Team Leader of MWDS
Age: 17
Height: 5ft 7in
Appearance: Red hair with white highlights, bright white skin, Violet eyes
Choice of weapon: Dust infused armor claws primarily using Lightning and Fire.
Semblance: Pain Enhancement
-The more physical pain she is in the faster and stronger she becomes. The pain must be consistent in order for the effect to endure for extended periods.

-Wendy Gudi

Position: Team Member of MWDS
Age: 16
Height: 5ft 2in
Appearance: Short dark blue hair, soft brown skin, dark blue eyes
Faunus Features: (Deer) Short antlers, ears, tail
Choice of weapon: Dust infused chakrams (set of 4), each chakram utilizes gravity dust and 1 core dust element. Fire, Water, Earth, Wind
Semblance: Fear
-When staring into the eyes of another creature they begin to hallucinate and see Wendy as a horrific monster forcibly activating the fear receptors of the target's mind.

-Darrian Toro

Position: Team Member of MWDS
Age: 18
Height: 8ft 1in
Appearance: Short jet-black hair, soft grey skin, red eyes
Faunus Features: (Bull) Long horns, bulky muscles, tail
Choice of weapon: Twohanded axe infused with Earth Dust Crystals
Semblance: Momentum
-The more Darrian moves and attacks without stopping or getting hit, the more power and strength is built up in his attacks.

-Sussie Numan

Position: Team Member of team MWDS
Age: 18
Hight: 5ft 10in
Appearance: Long ash grey hair, brown skin, yellow eyes
Choice of weapon: Two dust infused katanas. Longer katana utilizes lightning dust while the shorter one uses wind.
Semblance: Flash Strike
-When hit by or absorbing electricity, Sussie temporarily gains an extreme boost in speed to both her movements and attack swings


Jaune: The match had started and both teams immediately rushed towards one another. Nora engaged Darrian clashing her hammer against his axe. Sussie sped towards Pyrrha at blinding speed attacking with quick sword swipes and lightning shocks. Ren and Wendy were the furthest apart from everyone as bullets and elemental chakrams could be seen all around them. Meanwhile the leaders of both teams occupied each other. Jaune took out his sword and held his folded shield in a reverse grip as Marilyn attacked Jaune head on. She was fast as always even without any boosted effects. She could easily outmaneuver him if Jaune wasn't careful. He wasn't given the chance to amplify his own aura as he was too busy defending and parrying against Marilyn's attacks. Marilyn started off with fast swipes using lightning dust while Jaune countered with several parries and blocks. The first few attacks were easy to defend against, but he could feel his arms going numb from the electricity generated from Marilyn's claws. His movements became slower as his friend refused to let up her offense sending as much electricity into Jaune as she could. In an attempt to escape her onslaught, Jaune made a combat roll to the side as Marilyn went in for an overhead swipe. The next instant Jaune combined his sword and shield into its greatsword mode and made a powerful strike at Marilyn sending her back. With an opening now present Jaune made his way to find cover behind the mountain rocks with Marilyn in hot pursuit.

Nora: She'd been dying for a chance to fight Darrian in a real match seeing as he was the strongest member of team MWDS. Their weapons connected as shockwaves and powerful tremors could be felt all around them. This excited Nora as she'd rarely met anyone on par with her own strength. Darrian himself also had a look of excitement as he activated his earth dust crystal. He slammed his axe into the ground creating a large earth spike made of sharp rocks. Nora switched to defense as she started to run away from all the created spikes Darrian was creating. Slam after slam he created a wall of earth around them eventually cornering Nora leaving her with nowhere to run.

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