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after helping Zach clean up the kitchen, though he said i really didn't have to do, i go to my new room and start unpacking a decorating.

i first take out my clothes and carefully store them away in my dresser, then place all my little stuff inside the small closet in my room, then start decorating and then organize all my stuffies around my bed, then open the stuff Adeline got me.

"you mother fucker" I laugh to myself. she got me a new iPhone and mac book with a sticky note saying so you can call me more:). I'm going to have to yell at her for that. I find a credit card with a sticky note on it saying I'm not going to be around much so here is 20,000 dollars for you to do whatever with, let me know when you spend it all so I can give you more. 

I'm. so. fucking. lucky.

I find a new blanket to add to my collecting and a few pacifiers and a new stuffy and matching bottle. 

i told Adeline a few months ago that I have been a little and at first, she didn't understand but I helped her learn about it and she has been incredibly supportive ever since.

i jump around and spin, trying to contain my excitement. I lay back on my bed and look outside my window, seeing all the city lights and itty-bitty cars drive around. I keep rolling around until I exhaust myself and just fall asleep.


i wake up and stretch a bit, realizing i fell asleep in my clothes. i decide it's going to be a lazy day, so I get into a comfy outfit and walk out to see Zach making French toast. "That smells super good" I complement. "Thank you, it was my mom's recipe" I sit at the island and go on my new phone but sneak glances at him cooking. look, its attractive.

"Would you like some? I'm going to have extra batter" i shake my head. "No, it's okay" i smile at him. "Are you sure? i really don't mind" i bite my lip as my tummy growls again. "i will make you some" he smiles and turns back to his cooking. 

"What kind of company do you own?" he flips the bread. "it's a Tech company. i have always been super into technology and computers and that kind of stuff so i started my own platforms and products" he slides it on a plate and hands it to me with a fork and knife. 

"Like what?" i start cutting the bread into smaller pieces. "Mainly computers and security cameras but i used to try and make phones" i pour a bit of syrup over the bread. "that's actually super cool!" i exclaim. "Thank you. what about you, what is your big interest?" 

"History. i could go on and on and on about history" (i really can) "really? tell me. tell me what's some of your favorite pieces of history" i give a huge smile, having nobody ask me that and normal tell me it's weird and nerdy. 

"Well, I can like any type but i mainly like history of the royal families. that stuff is wicked cool. oh, and the American Revolution, French Revolution, the Scientific Revolution, the Enlightenment, and history about the Soviet Union" he nods. (true facts, I'm an absolute history loser)

"that's super cool, so do you think you would do good in an apocalypse?" i think for a bit. "Maybe, I know a tiny bit about guns but i used to go to an agricultural school so i know a bit about Livestock and farming" he sits down next to me and starts eating his own French toast.

"that's really cool, like really cool Luna" i swallow my French toast. "Thank you!" i kick my feet a bit and see Xavier coming out of his room with messy hair. "morning" Zach says. "Good morning" Xavier yawns and grabs a plate of French toast. 

i get up and wash my dish, then place it in the dish washer. "i have a game today" Xavier says. "Alright, you need any of us to come?" he nods his head a bit. "Yeah, we are going into the playoffs for the Stanley cup" Zach shoots up.

"That is fucking awesome man, I'm so proud of you" they hug, and Alex angrily storms out of his room. "you fuckers woke me up" he grumbles with an angry expression on his face. "Xavier is going to the play offs for the Stanley cup!" Alex's face completely changes, and he starts screaming. "Good for you!" 

i smile but feel awkward. "Would you like to come to Luna? i don't want us all to go out and stuff and you just sit here alone" Xavier says. "Oh, are you sure?" they all nod. "Oh, uh yeah, what time" we all look at Xavier. "5 pm" i nod. "Okay, i will make sure to be ready by then" i smile.


i feel a bit of relief wash from me when I hear her say yes. she heads to her room and shuts her door while thanking Zach for breakfast. Zach squints his eyes at me. "What?" i say while walking to the fridge. "You never asked Hannah to your games" i feel my face heat up.

"And? i would feel bad if i won and we go out to celebrate and she sits at home doing nothing" i make up an excuse. okay, well it is half an excuse. i would feel bad if i did win cause when i win a special game like this we go out for dinner or something and do something fun, and if we come home with a bunch of shit and she sees i would feel horrible. but then another side of me wants to impress her for some reason.

"You don't like her... do you?" i shake my head. "She seems like a good person but i wouldn't like her like that" I say as i make a decision and grab a sports energy drink. "uh-huh" Alex says as he pushes past me to the fridge.

"Somebody is embarrassed" Alex teases. "Fuck off" i push past him to my room. 

i know it hasn't been a full day but there is something to this girl than all the other girls i have met. (IM NOT PULLING WHAT I DID IN THE LAST STORY I SWEAR)

i drag my hands down my face and sigh, laying back down and texting my teammates in our group chat. 


i love this computer so much. it has auto correct on every platform, including this one so i=now i can go through and fix my horrid spelling. anyway, i know i had had 3 uploads in one day but im just incredibly bored as my school has February break and today is one of those boring Saturdays.

anyway, have a good day ^^

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