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Sebastian's P.O.V.

September 3rd, 1995

I haven't been to Hogwarts since last June. To be honest I didn't think I'd visist so soon but Alexa is probably still freaking out about kissing Harry and I need to make sure that she's okay and maybe take her sleeping pills away so she doesn't do anything she shouldn't do to herself.

I walk towards the castle, I just apparated here. Classes ended half an hour ago and knowing Alexa she's probably in the common room with the rest of the serpents.

I reach the common room and walk in. Mattheo and Casey are sitting on the sofa, they're both just scrolling on their phones. Casey looks up and sees me. She gets up and walks over to me, wrapping her arms around me. "Seb! Hi!"

"Hey Casey." I smile, hugging her back. After a few seconds she pulls away and I look over at Mattheo who's scrolling on his phone.

"Hello to you too Mattheo." I say.

"Oh, Seb, hi." He mumbles not looking up.

I roll my eyes. "Where's Alexa?"

"Don't know, don't care." Mattheo shrugs.


"She went to the black lake to draw." Casey says.

I nod. "Thanks." I mutter and start making my way to the black lake. I should have thought of going there earlier. She always goes there when she wants to clear her head.

I remember I found her there on her first ever day of Hogwarts. She was so much calmer back then. So sweet, naive, innocent, she was truly happy but of course Tom had to suck that right out of her, out of me, out of all of our siblings just like a dementor kissing a criminal.

As I reach the lake I see her sitting by her favorite tree and sketching something on the sketchbook. It's a tall, old tree right next to the shallow part of the water, she says that she likes the way the sun reflects on the lake in that specific place, that it's good for her sketches, she always does that, she notices little things that most people wouldn't notice if they had sat there for hours. I guess that's why she's so good at drawing, in order to draw well you need to be very observant, Alexa has that.

I walk towards her, quietly, I don't want her to notice me. I was thinking of scaring her just for the fun of it. I carefully walk right behind her and place my arms on her shoulders. "Boo!"

She jumps slightly and turns around, looking like she has just gone through the biggest shock of her life. I smile at her. "Hey Lex."

She looks at me and then wraps her arms around me, still looking a bit shocked. As she pulls away she hits my arm with her sketchbook. "Don't.Ever.Do.That.Again."

I laugh. "Alright, alright."

"What are you doing here?" She asks as she sits back down, leaning onto the tree.

I sit down next to her. "I had a day off and I decided to come check on you, make sure you were okay after that phone call last night."

"I'm fine." She says, opening her sketchbook again.

"Are you sure?"

"Yup, just sketching my problems away like always."

"What are you sketching?" I look over her shoulder, trying to catch a glimse. It's a boy with messy hair, glasses and eyes that even without color somehow stand out the most. Potter.


"Oh, he's Harry now?" I smirk. "Didn't realize you two were on first name basis."

"Shut up." She rolls her eyes and I smirk.

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