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Welcome to the Riddle family,

To the outside world we're cruel, evil, mean terrifying. We're killers psychopaths.

We don't fall in love, we don't betray each other, we don't have feelings.

We're merciless, heartless, just like our parents-at least, that's what people think.

We're the children of the most powerful wizard in the wizarding world. We're the children of the most wanted witch in the wizarding world. We're the children of the worst people the wizarding world has ever met.

We're the children of Bellatrix Riddle and Lord Voldemort.

Our father was gone, he had disappeared trying to kill an infant named Harry Potter, now he's sadly back.

Our mother is in Azkaban, she got arrested when our father disappeared, now my father and oldest brother are planning her escape.

We're six, six children, six siblings.

We used to be seven, but then my oldest brother killed our sister after our father asked him to.

We share the same last name, the same blood, the same parents.

But that's all.

We look alike, we seem like we have the same personality, yet we're nothing alike.

We're the Riddle siblings.

The oldest used to be Lilith, but then she died. She was like our mother, since ours never bothered to be one. She was by far the best of us, the only one who had the guts to stand up to our father, which was why she got killed.

Then there's Thomas, our current guardian, he's basically father's little puppet, always running errands for him, after he killed Lilith he got custody of us at the age of eighteen and has been ruining our lives ever since. He's currently twenty-seven and married to a girl named Annalise, marrying her was the only smart decision he has ever made.

After that there's Sebastian, he's one of my favorites, he's kind and very protective. He's the complete opposite of Tom and the only person that deserves credit for raising us. He's eightteen and graduated from Hogwarts last summer and currently has a job at the ministry while still living with us, I honestly don't know what I would do if he wasn't.

Mattheo, being the typical middle child is very good at going unnoticed by Tom, which is probably why he's Tom's favorite. He's seventeen and while I can't openly say that he's not exactly my favorite, that's for sure.

Then there's Cassandra, who's mostly known as Casey. She's Mattheo's twin and unlike him, she never goes unnoticed by Tom, or anyone that's in the same room with her for that matter. To be honest, she would be my favorite, if it wasn't for Sebastian and Atlas.

After her, there's Atlas, of course, he's my twin brother-yes, our family has a lot of twins, I know. While I will probably never admit it, he's definitely my favorite. I guess there's something about the fact that he's my twin that automatically makes me love him more.

And lastly, there's me. My name is Alexandra but I hate it so I've forced everyone-except from Tom I can't force him to do anything-to call me Alexa. I'm the only one out of my siblings who actually knows what happened to Lilith, Tom has brainwashed the rest of them to believe she was killed by the ministry. He had brainwashed me too when I was younger, but last year I stumbled upon his diary, therefore learning what truly happened that night. I'm fifteen-like Atlas- and even though I despise Tom, I would be willing to die for the rest of my siblings.

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