Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

That night, as I lay in bed, I couldn't sleep. I lay underneath the thin covers of my bedding, watching the moonlight stream through my curtains. The window was opened, allowing a breeze to flow into the room to dissipate some hot air.

My mind kept going back to those four men on the Boardwalk. Their appearance suggested wild and rowdy, but how they treated me was a direct contrast to their image. I remember teasing the blonde with the long hair and mesh top. His mannerisms indicated that was his usual personality.

I could imagine him teasing his friends as they relaxed, doing what guys do. He had a bright smile - I believe he was Paul if the brunette's warning was correct. I could picture this Paul with the wild hair playing in a rock band. He had a strange tuxedo-like jacket he wore, unlike the leather of his counterparts.

I thought with a giddy smile; I could see his image in my mind. He wore the strangest ensemble - football pants, a mesh shirt, and a tuxedo with coattails. It was a combination I would have never pictured together, but on Paul, the outfit just worked.

The male with the curly hair did have the weirdest jacket out of all of them. It was completely covered in fabric patches. I was curious to know if the coat was leather or denim. He also had fish lures on his shoulders, the glittery tendrils hanging down. This guy wore leather chaps over his denim pants, giving him a pseudo-cowboy look. The curly-haired guy looked like he laughed a lot and had fun like Paul.

The curly-haired one was the shortest of his friends but was still lithe and lean. Being smaller than his friends didn't make him any less masculine. When I last saw him, he was chewing on the ends of his fingerless gloves, which made me assume this was a habit he frequently exhibited. I wondered if it was a nervous habit or something he thoughtlessly did, regardless of feelings.

If I remember that moment, the brunette's hands still caused my skin to bubble underneath my elbows. I let my hands absentmindedly trail over the skin taut over my elbows, letting myself become lost in that feeling. The brunette was large, towering over my frame, but with an unexpected gentleness. His honey-brown eyes were rimmed with black eyeliner, and his jawline held a little stubble.

The brunette was dressed in only a leather jacket with a golden figure on the right arm and ripped black jeans. His ear held a dangling bear tooth, and a chunky necklace surrounded his neck. I realized that the necklace consisted of more bear teeth. His hands were large and calloused but gentle in a way that belied his strength. I imagined this man to know his strength and how to use it to his advantage.

The final man, the platinum blonde with the hypnotic blue eyes, was something that spelled trouble. He just exuded an air of arrogance and menacing, yet I had seen his gentle nature. A protective nature, which I hadn't expected. He seemed to expect answers to his questions, the more dominant group figure. The leader of the four men I had bumped into on the Boardwalk.

He wore a long peacoat overtop of a leather jacket; the collar of the leather jacket was layered upon the peacoat collar. He wore full leather gloves, contrasting with the curly-haired man's fingerless ones. This platinum blonde wore black leather pants, dirty and worn, that tapered down into his leather boots; he creaked when he took a step.

I smiled, thinking how our eyes connected, light blue meeting my deep green eyes. It made a bubble of something, possibly excitement, grow within my stomach as I thought about seeing these four again.

I couldn't understand the magnetic pull I felt towards four different men. I hadn't felt like this just meeting a male in the past. It seemed like fate. I could only hope that these four had also felt the same. I hoped they wanted to explore the feelings, or else I needed to figure out what would happen. I wondered what would happen later if the feelings bubbled to the surface just thinking about the four men.

I yawned, feeling the peace of sleep eluding me. I tossed and turned beneath the blanket, only able to concentrate on the four men. My eyes were burning, and I felt frustrated until suddenly, light blue eyes appeared beside my bed. I frowned, but my eyelids were fluttering closed, much to my protestations.

"Just go to sleep, darling," someone whispered, and I felt the blackness take me hostage for the night. 

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