Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

"Whoa!" The person I ran headfirst into grabbed hold of my elbows. They were trying to make sure that I didn't fall onto my butt, but I flinched back from their touch and the feeling of bubbles under my skin. I squeezed my eyes shut, a reflex at this point. The person noticed with a sharp inhale. They were sure they could deduce the reasoning behind that reflex but decided not to bring it up. "Are you okay?"

I opened my eyes after a moment, moving out of their reach. I plastered on a smile, tilting my head back to see the person I had inconvenienced. He had kind, honey-colored eyes and long brown hair (long even by 80 fashion standards). His hair fell like a wave of obsidian in the dark light, natural highlights glinting in the overhead lights. I noticed an animal tooth hanging from his earring in his left ear. I suspected a bear, due to the size. I blushed as I gazed upon his visage, realizing he only wore a leather jacket, no shirt underneath. The coat was open, leaving his abs on display. I gave the man a nod, praying he wouldn't ask any more questions. I also didn't want to begin to think about the tingling in my skin where his hands had touched.

It was related to his touch since I only noticed the tingling, bubbling feeling in my elbows. Right where this man had steadied me to keep my balance. I didn't know what to think or what this would mean. No one had ever been able to elicit such a response from me ever.

"I think she's stunned," another man with long blonde hair, gorgeous blue eyes, a teasing smile, and a California accent smirked at the man. I stepped back, just now noticing the three other individuals accompanying the brunette.

"Paul!" The guy in front of me admonished, rolling his eyes. It made me think this was their dynamic - Paul saying something and this man having to clean up after Paul. The brunette held me captive beneath his honey-brown eyes that refused to leave me alone.

"Fine," I murmured, breaking eye contact. I blushed as my eyes drifted lower to view his perfect abs and then lower to settle on his thighs. He had thick thighs that were muscular and his black jeans clung to the muscles. Finally, I brought my eyes to the ground, wishing for an earthquake to open a fault and swallow me whole.

"What's your name?" Another man spoke, breathing out smoke from the cigarette he was indulged in. My eyes rose involuntarily to look upon his countenance. This man had a darker stubble on his chiseled cheeks with the blondest hair I'd ever seen.

He had pale blue eyes that seemed to draw me into his gaze. It felt unnerving, like he was looking deep into my soul, figuring out my secrets. The lanugo on my arms and the back of my neck stood on end, sensing some danger or electricity in the air. I couldn't say a word while my eyes were locked with his. My mouth wouldn't move to articulate the syllables of my name. His lips quirked upwards into a smirk until my brother's voice broke the spell.

"ARIA!" Sam called out, running towards me on the Boardwalk. I jerked and yanked out of the reverie. It caused our eyes to disconnect, and I felt strange, almost empty. The four men standing there let their mouths curve upwards into smiles as my identity was no longer a secret. I turned to walk toward my brother when I heard the platinum-blonde male speak.

"We'll see you around, Aria," he promised. I turned to see their figures already walking away, leather clothing and accessories creaking as they ambled away. I wasted no time and raced to Sam's side.

"Where have you been?" Sam yelled at me. He didn't need to worry about me as I was the oldest. Since coming out of inpatient, Sam had been treating me like I was a little kid. I didn't care for his attitude when we were alone. "Mom's worried sick about you. Did you eat anything? Or are you just waiting to pass out - again?"

My spine stiffened at his callous jab. I understood that Sam was lashing out due to the move and worried about my illness, but he didn't have to scream it at me. I didn't notice the four men stop, having heard what my brother said to me. They looked at the scene before them, taking in what information they could. No one noticed if they looked upon the scene how all four men clenched their fists in anger. They didn't appreciate how this child spoke to the lovely creature wandering the Boardwalk.

I said nothing to Sam; I just chose to walk past him. A silent ghost wandering up the Boardwalk. I ignored my brother's ranting, focusing on the four mysterious men. They were handsome - something I've only seen in magazines or on the television. I had seen handsome guys before, but everyone paled compared to those four. I was also focused on why I felt a connection between the four.

I had felt a weird pull in the depths of my stomach while near them. The platinum blonde held the most sway over my mind. I wondered how long I could have stared at him, but probably for as long as possible. The electrical sparks that still tingled under my skin where the brunette had gently grabbed my elbows were magical. The air around the five of us felt charged, almost as if lightning had just hit the beach where we were standing.

My mind wandered, the visage of the four men vivid within my memory. It was almost palpable as if I could touch them in my mind as my brother and I walked to the Range Rover. My mother was waiting by the driver's side, with a bright smile, when she noticed our figures. As I walked closer, I felt as if I were being watched. It didn't feel creepy or threatening but rather heat where eyes were staring.

I turned my head, locking green eyes on the figures of those four men. The crowd milled about them, but they kept staring at me. My cheeks turned cherry red when I realized they were enamored with me. I couldn't bear to tear my eyes away, ears reddening as the blonde-haired male with the long locks winked.

"Aria!" My mom's voice cut through the connection. She sounded irritated, almost as if she had said my name multiple times prior. I turned my head to focus on her. "Did you eat?"

I shrugged my shoulders, my mother sighing. She was worried that she would lose me, and there was no money to put me into another inpatient clinic. I reached for the cold door handle, turning my head back towards the Boardwalk. I scanned the crowd, but it was like the men were a figment of my imagination as they were no longer standing there. I sighed, a little disappointed, and got into the car. 

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