{Chapter 24}

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~3 Months Later~

POV Centi:

'Everything has been going wrong, and it's all been going downhill to the point everything is becoming an issue, Dannie left the lab the moment he was free from Pequenito's hold, falling to the ground, only to turn back into a human, but since then I haven't seen Dannie once, maybe he was scared and ran away, all I know is that he has not been seen for three months and Pequenito...

Pequenito had not once left the nursery after he poured the glowing liquid all over the bat's body, glaring at the kid as it flowed down from his head to the rest of his body, dripping quietly onto the ground, and moments before the mysterious liquid touched his skin, he dropped Dannie. The poor mutant whined as the sound of crunching blared in front of the two of us, the transformation was not even close to gentle and easy to go through, in fact, it was quite the opposite. I wanted to do something, to hush the whining child to calm down but as the transformation finished all that was left was a poor kid, bare of clothes beside the blanket that draped over his pale skin, but what was worse was his expression, he wasn't happy, for a second I thought he would be happy, to finally be free from the one thing that kept him from his family, yet it wasn't, he was terrified, looking over his entire body the boy just cried, whine whine as he rubbed his face, begging over and over, saying that none of this was real, I knew he didn't feel safe, so he ran, to where...I have no idea, when I turned back to Pequenito, he just stared down at the empty vial, moving it around as the single drop left swirled around the glass. Tossing the glass to the side, Pequenito just left and made his way back to the nursery.

In that moment, I looked back and forth, wondering who to follow, who to comfort, so...I followed Pequenito, tapping on the door, trying so hard to comfort the kid, but he never answered...so I left, searching down every single corridor, hallway, cell, laboratory, closet, I searched everywhere, but he was nowhere to be found...how did it get to this, how did one vial ruin everything...but that wasn't the present issue, for the past two months possibly more, there has been a shadow running along the walls, for weeks I questioned if this figure was a threat, out to harm the six of us, or maybe just here to steal the only food we have left, just enough left to last six more months. But...I was wrong, they were helping us, I was confused as I went out to retrieve the food, I noticed the cameras were fixed, and the halls messily cleaned up, the Kraang carcasses were all that was left behind, yet not in the hallways but instead inside a single cell. At one point I figured that it was Bishop or some of the Kraang droids fixing everything up before the move back inside the facility, but there were no voice messages from Bishop sent through, no alerts on Dannie's position, there was nothing, so...

I decided to search for the shadowy figure'

Checking on the food log, I kept track of the amount of food both me and Pequenito consumed, even including the kids as well, throughout the months we rationed our food, however, I gave the two kids the normal amount of nutrients. 'Something's happening soon...Pequenito knows it, he seems...happy. Maybe the others are hatching soon...maybe', Writing down the inventory on a list, I made sure to check everything, my list was right, I know it was, if there was anything wrong with it...then someone's eating our supple, yet I doubt it. News came around from Bishop that Flaco was found outside the facility, and taken to a sister location, mostly likely to get...fixed again, 'I still don't understand how he found out I was alive though...'.

"Worker 13-000001", sitting off to the side, I continued to fill the boring hours with small tasks, until a quiet, yet harsh voice spoke up in the silence, "Worker 13-000001, answer now", pushing myself off the floor, I pressed on the intercom, my throat itch as I cleared it. "Apologies Sir, I was...preparing food and just got back...", Bishop took some time to respond, the video project wasn't on so Bishop couldn't see me, yet I still stood tall, no slouching nor dazed look covered my face, "So you are alive...Hm, well it seems some incident occurred with Prisoner 13-020120, so for the time being it will be fixed and placed accordingly, for the time being, you are to do its job, a simple one really, monitor Specimen 001 health, 13-020120 informed me the day of the incident that the rest of the experiments were caught in the crossfire, so we'll just monitor 001", I was shocked, 'He doesn't know...', I huffed out as Bishop continued to explain my new role, nearing what I thought was the end of this conversation. "Now, I spoke with Prisoner 13-202012's kin, the blue one that goes by Leonardo...we talked about you...", my breath stilled as I stood by the communication orb, my breath stuttered, and Bishop stayed silent, "To think I gave you everything, only for you to go against my order, and spout nonsense to my experiment's kin...*^&$#", I cringed, my name was spoken, yet it felt odd to hear, for years I even forgot what I was named, the name my mother gave me, my father's name, but hearing it from his mouth, made me hate it even more. Sounds of shuffling echoed through the call, Bishop gave orders to a droid, telling it to stand near him, "Be outside Laboratory #08 in thirty Earth minutes, a Kraang droid and I will see you there and deal with you accordingly-"

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