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AN: This is my only warning, grab the tissues now.

Tiye was watching the people partake in the festivities. People were singing and dancing in the streets. The temple was decorated in red and yellow with all its torches lit. Priests and priestesses were adorned with their ceremonial robes for it was that time of year again. Sekhmet's day of praise. A day of intoxication in order to grow closer to the lion-like goddess. Tiye herself was enjoying the festival. She had been exhausted, but today was a day she didn't have to concern herself with courtly matters.

Her hard work was finally coming to fruition. Seti was now 18 years old and standing tall as the pharaoh. She had spent a considerable amount of time tutoring him and making sure he was ready. The Kingdom itself was stable after the disturbances Imhotep caused. The Gods seemed merciful as to not punish them in almost tipping the balance of nature. 

Reveling in her inebriation, her body felt light as she tried to get close to her goddess. She was on the temple's balcony, sitting on the edge as she overlooked the street below. As the drinks flowed, and the music played, she swayed to the sounds of the night. "High Priestess Tiye." A familiar voice called from the door.

"Commander. Are you enjoying the festivities or are you on duty?" she asked, taking another sip from her cup.

"I am just a worshipper tonight." Zahur said casually.

"Then come and worship." Tiye looked over at Zahur and held her cup out to him. He took it as he sat down beside her. They both enjoyed one anothers company as time flowed between them. They laugh and drank down wine as they talked about their past experiences. It was in the very early hours of the morning before the sun would peak out from the underworld. The crowd of festival goers was thinning out. People were wondering home to sleep in order to get ready to continue their inebriated worship the next day. Tiye watched on as some of her fellow temple retainers went inside to sleep, yet she and Zahur remained. She was leaned against the commander on the balcony floor, and bathing in the fading moon light. The breeze was gentle against the two.

"Do you remember when we first met?" Tiye asked, taking another sip.

Zahur laughed. He remembers that day well. Her father was a Medjay commander during his youth. He had taken on the responsibility of teaching the way of the sword to the next generation of warriors. Tiye was there so her father could keep an eye on her, as well as help him teach the class. She had learned from her father at a very early age and was a force to be reckoned with. 

He remembers her standing there with a scowl on her face. He remembers some of the boys being more afraid of her than her father. He had a rule that if there were any disagreements, they should be settled in a sparring match. Many of the young boys had their complaints about taking lessons with a girl. Tiye's father told them "If you have energy to argue, you have energy to fight". Tiye took every one of their challenges head on and gave them a good beating they wouldn't forget. "I do. You were taller than me then. You were mean as well." Zahur responded.

 Tiye smacked his arm in mock anger. "I was not mean!"

"You were! You used to make fun of how small I was. You said I'd blow away like a reed in the wind."

Tiye leaned her head against his shoulder once more. "Well, your taller and stronger than me now. But there's one thing you don't have that I do."

"And what would that be?"

"My intelligence." The two began to laugh again. The time continued to crawl on between them. It was a rare moment that they just got to be two friends. Tonight, they weren't tied to their responsibilities. "Do you ever think about what path you'd walk if you weren't a warrior?"

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