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As the two sets of siblings prepared for what would be the adventure of a lifetime, so was another expedition party. The race for Hamunaptra was afoot, a race in which few would leave from alive...


It was bright day for an adventure. I had a porter pick up the supplies to transport to the docks and the last of my preparations were done. Rick and I made our way to the docks to meet up with the Carahan siblings. While Rick was going over what to watch out for when traveling through the desert, I was going over how I was going to find my target in my own head. I was thinking I could sneak into the crew quarters and find the passenger manifest, but I feel it's going to be difficult with my brother keeping such watchful eye on me. Ever since he stumbled on the arsenal in the apartment, I feel like he's been more observant of my actions. It makes me think he knows more about me than I think he should, which could be dangerous for both of us. If the agency for whatever thinks I've blabbed about anything confidential, I'll be terminated. And I'm not just talking about my employment.

"-And scorpions. Always watch out for scorpions. You have to shake your shoes out before you put them on otherwise say goodbye to your toes."

"What riveting information."

"Am I boring you with my toe saving advice?"

"Just a bit. You do realize this isn't my first expedition, right?"

"Whatever tough stuff." Rick rolled his eyes at me. In retaliation I smacked him in the arm.

"Don't sass me, I'll drown you in the Nile." Spotting the Carahan siblings further down the dock I gave my brother a quick warning. "Try not to be too much of an unbearable ass to Evelyn, she's uptight enough as it is." I started walking towards one of the port agents who was checking in luggage.

"Where are you off to?" Rick called after me.

"Making sure that all of our supplies were properly checked in. I'll see you on the boat." I didn't leave him room for argument. The port agent was going down a clip board when I approached. "I guess you didn't feel like staying behind a desk today?"

"I beg your pardon ma'am?" 

I looked at the man with a raised eyebrow. "If you're going to wear a disguise Vic, make sure your mustache is glued on properly." I ripped off the fake facial hair.

"Ow! You didn't need to be so rough. And to think I came to help you." He rubbed at his sore lip and snatched the mustache back from me. He could be such a baby sometimes.

"I'm so sorry your majesty. So, what do you have for me?"

"Just the ship's manifest, layout, and a list of the passengers sailing." Vic pulled out an envelope and handed it over. "Went through quite a bit of trouble to get my hands on that."

"Your brilliance truly knows no bounds Vic. I could kiss you right now."

"You can save it for when you get back. There's just one thing I noticed though. There seems to be another expedition party on this ship. Do you think they're going to the same destination as you?"

"I'm not completely sure. The target usually leaves his contractors in the middle of the desert before actually reaching their destination. There's a chance he doesn't actually know where Hamunaptra is. Worse comes to worse I'll have to track him down when I get back to Cairo."

"Just be careful out there. Can't have my best friend dying on me."

"No promises baby bird."

------------(A FEW HOURS LATER)

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