🤌Chapter 6🤌

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Ari's pov

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We entered the detective agency to help prepare Jung-woo for his briefing, when we saw Vincenzo and Cha young there.

" Cha young" Jung-woo  waved at her.

" What? Are you here to gloat?" She asked looking at Jung-woo.

" Come on. Don't be harsh. I'm here to prepare for my briefing" He said flashing his cute smile.

" Then do you job" She said and was about to walk past him.

" Cha young....Come back to Wusang" He demanded.

She let out a mocking laugh before fully facing him.

" Are you the boss?" She asked scoffing in disbelief.

" I'm just relaying his message. He said you'll be given the same treatment as Ms. Choi" He simply stated.

" I guess those giant hornets made his want me back" She mocked making me snicker.

 " Tell him no thanks" She said and flipped her hair that was on the shoulder.

" Bye Cha young" I said teasingly giving her a flying kiss.

" Bye Jagi" She teased back.

She turned around and started walking but then again Jung-woo stopped her by grabbing her arm.

" Why would you waste your talent on such grueling cases?" He asked.

" Why is Babel so important?" He asked with more seriousness in his voice.

" Why are you suddenly so serious?" Cha Young shot back.

" Watching you suffer for no good reason is making me upset" He fake pouted.

From the side of my eyes I could see Vincenzo rolling his eyes.

" And...I don't appreciate the way you do things after you two have joined hands" Jung-woo glared at Vincenzo who didn't see interested at all.

" Jung-woo...Remember how I told you before about crossing the line?" Cha young said.

" I'm just worried. Can't I do that" He said and fake smiled.

Revenge is so sweet isn't it?//Jang HanseokWhere stories live. Discover now