Chapter 12: I Blame Scar.

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{Ajax POV}

"Chase, why'd you drag me here?" MJ complained. "We could've gone somewhere better."

The duo were sitting on the roof of a building, with a blanket and the rest of their stuff. Chase had scraped enough money to buy them one bowl full of popcorn.

"Well, we're on the run," he said, popping a handful of popcorn into his mouth. "We can't be seen by the public. We can't trust anyone. So.... we ended up here. But I tried to make it as romantic as possible!"

The roof of the building overlooked the whole city. It was quite romantic.

"Whatever, Pancakes," MJ chuckled.

Chase had gotten the nickname "Pancakes" because of a truth or dare game. Food was involved, and long story short, Chase covered himself in pancake batter.

MJ leaned in for a kiss....

I woke up, my chest heaving up and down.Who were the people in my dream? And why were they on the roof of a building? Oh well, it's not the first time I've had such a strange dream..

I went onto the deck to calm down a bit. It was 5 in the morning. The only person I saw awake was Flare, managing the gear in the ship.

I decided to eat breakfast early so that Scar wouldn't get to any of the good food. You know how he's a fangirl? Well, he's also a food hoarder too.

After eating my breakfast, which consisted of leftover pie, the ship suddenly came to an abrupt halt. Everyone came out of their cabins to see what was going on.

"LAND, HO!" Flare yelled.

What was in front of us, was France. I could easily tell by the French signs near the dock. Plus, the people there dressed simple, yet classy. Don't judge me. I know fashion.

"Oh, my.." Delta gaped. "My homeland.."

Oh, yeah. I forgot she was from France.

We made our ship...invisible. Sort of.
After that, we finally got off, arming ourselves with hidden weapons in case of any damsel-in-distress situations. We looked like normal college students.

"Well, Delta, lead the way!" Silver called, obviously excited to explore the country of France.

Scar paid a cab driver to drive us to
Lyon, because there was a hidden weapons shop there. But...we ended up in Paris. How? Scar didn't pay enough to get us to Lyon. We were hundreds of miles away from the ship, and we only had a limited amount of money. Maybe we could exchange it for euros..

WAIT, I had my Lotus card from all the way back, when I went to Vegas and got trapped in a time looo at the Lotus Casino. So it turns out we did have an infinite amount of money.

Anyway, we were in Paris with no place to go. We decided to head to a Cafe first because we were hungry. Hey, we had eaten leftovers for the past few days. Don't judge us.

Luckily, Delta spoke French, so we could order easily. Scar had made the mistake of ordering Ris de Veau, a traditional French dish consisting of...cow pancreas. In his defense, he thought it was steak.

After that, we decided to stroll through the streets. Unfortunately for us, we had a little encounter with that warlock-devil hybrid. I decided to call him Socks. I don't know why, but he looked like a Socks to me.

"Well... If it isn't Chaos' little group of assassins," he croaked, picking up his spear-like wand. "I've been waiting for this day to come, so I can slaughter you all."

He then lunged at us with his spear-wand thing. Dammit.. It was a wand. Meaning, he could make all our weapons disappear. Which he did do.
So now we were unarmed. It was too bad we didn't have any powers; they would've come in handy at this time.

Socks used his spear-wand thing to try and stab me in the stomach. Luckily, I guarded myself by crossing my arms. Unfortunately, my left arm had a stab wound in it that hurt like hell.

Then, after a bunch of fighting, we were bruised and battered. Not THAT battered, but we were tired. Suddenly, a grappling hook attached to the side of a building, and down came two teenagers holding swords. One of them, a boy, looked a lot like Delta. The other was a pretty French girl. They came down and the two of them took on Socks. About half an hour later, they had defeated him and left him sliced up. The thing is, he wasn't turning into monster dust. Strange...

"Are you guys alright?" The girl asked, in an exotic French accent. "I'm MJ, and this is--"

"Chase!" Delta cut in, gasping. She walked over to the boy, Chase, and he immediately stiffened up.

"It's good to see you too, Silena. It's good to see you too."

All I have to say is...this chapter sucked. ~DINOCORN

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