Chapter 10: Dreams, Dreams.

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{Ajax POV}

I had seen a mysterious figure in my dreams. His appearance was gruesome; he had sickly green skin, and puffy scars all over his slimy body. His ribcage was ripped open. He didn't have a heart either. It was just replaced with a metal figure. His eyes were completely red and blood seemed to be leaking from them. In addition to that, his spindly fingers were...well, you could just imagine what it would look like.

Anyway, he was in some kind of cavern. He was sitting on a throne made up with...bones? Seriously, can't the guy be original? I mean, Hades rocks the look, but Armin.... not so much.

He seemed to be with three figures. One was a crossbreed between a warlock and a devil, then there was... a Titan? Huh. Except he had no reproductive organs, no skin, and was completely naked. I've never seen him before, and he didn't look like any of the ones in the myths. The other one was a female ghost, splattered in blood. She looked as if she came from the 18th century, and had ghastly pink eyes. There was a bloody line on her neck. I think her name is... Marie Antoinette? Yeah.

Armin scowled at the the Titan. "Colossus, you have failed me. You sent your army, only for them to be completely destroyed by those puny little assassins. "

The Titan, Colossus, cowered in fear. "Please...boss. I tried very hard to eliminate them. Please...please don't kill me!"

Armin scoffed. "Like that's going to happen. Guards! Take him away!"

There were two guards that came and dragged him away right after tasing him. I recognized their faces... One of them was Marco Bodt. The other one was Sasha... I don't remember her last name. But she sure liked potatoes.

What were they doing here? I remember them very clearly. They were the ones that helped me when I was alone on the streets. Suddenly, I was swept into a flashback..

Four years ago, when I was 16, I was running on the streets after I had left Camp Half-Blood. There was a monster chasing me, and I had left my dagger behind in result of being chased by that monster.

I ran into two people. They had saw that I was in trouble, and immediately swept to action. They had killed the monster in a minute, and I was left there, gasping for air.

"Are you alright?" The boy said, looking concerned. "Do you need anything?"

"I'm fine," I sputtered. I checked for any major wounds. None so far. "Thanks for killing that monster back there.."

"Oh, we saw you were in danger, so we had to act fast," the girl said, munching on...was that a potato? "I'm Sasha, by the way. That guy over there is my friend Marco."

The guy waved. "Come on, we'll fix you up at our house."

I nodded, and reluctantly began to follow them..

I woke up in a cold sweat. It's odd that I've been having these dreams now, after four years of not having them at all. It was weird. Also, why did Marco and Sasha appear in my dreams? I'm not sure...

I checked the time. It was 2:10 in the morning. I decided to get a snack.

I headed to the kitchen when I found Zoë there. I wonder why she's up..

"Hey," I said. Stifling a yawn. "What are you doing up?"

"I don't know.." She responded. "I just can't sleep. I had this weird dream, with Armin, and these monsters. Two guards were there too."

I froze, mid-bite to my apple. We had the same dream.

"That's odd," I said, turning to look at her. "I had the same dream as well."

"Huh, I guess all the other warriors would have the same dream as well," she said, curiosity laced in her voice.

"Oh, well. I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight, Ajax."

With that, she waved, and exited the room.

Wow, Chapter 10 already! If you're wondering why I posted this chapter early, it's because this is my last week of school. I'll be busy on Friday (aka, my sister's graduation), so I'll just post it right now. Starting next chapter, I will introduce two OCs. I would like to thank books_are_life87 for letting me use her character, as my character doesn't have enough depth without her character. Bye for now! ~DINOCORN

edit 5/22/20:
so far, i have these ten chapters + some miscellaneous ones edited. i have no idea when i'm going to edit the others because it pains me to reread everything and fight the urge to cringe lol

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