Chapter 3: Enter Sasuke!

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Up till now, there have not been many people in Naruto's life who've had a positive change on his development. Iruka and Konohamaru, even Teuchi Ichiraku, the founder of Ichiraku Ramen, made a positive impact on Naruto when he offered Naruto, a free bowl, feeding him like that until he went to ninja school. (Although, naruto, does not know the man's name, he is very grateful for his Ramen, and thinks it's the only good Roman, even though it's the only restaurant style kind he's ever tasted, nothing comes close in Naruto's mind.)

All these have shaped Naruto's views of himself and the world around him even if it's not a huge change, it helps him, monumentally, it does. These small positive changes that these relationships have brought into Naruto's life, really did make a difference for the boy.

But there is one relationship, one bond, that started before Iruka, before Konohamaru, before anybody really(although not before Ichiraku Ramen). It's this peculiar connection he's always had with Uchiha Sasuke.

Naruto lives with Iruka, and they've only just started to get closer.
Iruka has a lot to make up for and most days, although he's forgiven him, Naruto feels like he's just filling in his duties as a guardian. Though his past teacher is trying, Naruto is too young to notice the efforts in it's fullness. Konohamaru is like an annoying little fan, you think he'd see him as an annoying little brother, but that never clicked in Naruto's mind, because he wants an equal. Someone he can look at and actually project himself onto.

When it comes to Ichiraku's, Naruto was just three years old when he stood out in the rain staring longingly at the ramen stand. The poor boy was hungering, as Iruka, being the resentful teenager that he was back then, had neglected to feed him, so Teuchi, having a heart, invited the young boy in. All he could see was his two boney legs from a short distance and told him to come in. The way his face lit up really did make Teuchi feel great. It told him that this wasn't a monster but just a kid! And he often gave Naruto free ramen when he came by before he started coming with someone else. (That someone being Iruka.)

This felt like home to Naruto. The smell, the taste. Even the atmosphere of the place. This reminded him of something he never had but always wanted, and that is...a family. But not just any family the best kind of family.

If you asked Naruto, he'll probably say that he and the ramen guy aren't really close. This is probably due to the fact that the old man doesn't talk much, he just watches Naruto eat happily and calmly as he cleans his dishes, again Naruto has never even learned his name, (and doesn't even realize that "Ichiraku" is his surname.)

But somewhere in the recesses of his mind, there lives a fond memory, for the young boy. One day when he was eating at Ichiraku, Ayame, the heir to the family ramen business, Teuchi's daughter, walked in from the back, and as soon as she saw Naruto sitting there eating their food, she gasped. It was a small, sort of breathless gasp, but it was audible enough to where Naruto had noticed, even over his loud slurping. Naruto didn't look at her but could sense her animosity. Not wanting him to hear, she pulled her Father to the back, questioning him. "Why is that! Do you know what that child is? He's dangerous!"

"He's exactly as you said, a child. I'm just feeding a child, there's no harm in that is there?" He was so calm and dismissive, but there was real fear in his daughter's eyes.

Naruto, of course, heard it all. He stopped eating to pay closer attention to the conversation.

"Oh just quite your whining and help me get these dishes." Teuchi walked out to the front and Naruto started eating again quickly. He took a small glance up at Ayame, and saw how scared of him she was, it was that same look that everyone always gave him, one of hatred, that is actually just fear. But hers was very distinct because she looked at him, worried like he might actually do some thing... like he would actually hurt them right there and then. She hurried herself to the kitchen. Naruto couldn't understand why. He wanted to ask why, but these were the days in which he did not speak, too, afraid of what could happen from just him, speaking. "Don't worry, she's just afraid you'll eat up all the ramen! You've been coming here every day now!" Teuchi smiles at Naruto, an expression he's not used to getting from people, which instantly causes him to blush in shock and happiness. "Eat up! I've got another bowl for ya coming up next!"

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