Chapter 2 Konohamaru

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Konohagakure. The village hidden in the leaves. A place where many of the young are beginning their quest to become a full fledged ninja.

One young man, is Naruto Uzumaki, and absolutely no one is as excited as he is right now.

Yet, perhaps it would be fitting to give a bit of a backstory for the village of Uzumaki Naruto; because if you haven't noticed, he is 12 years old and has been training to be an assassin since he was about seven.

After graduation, it's custom for the young shinobi to get their picture taken, for their very own honorary license. Though it may seem strange to the modern folk, in these times, children six and up can be trained to be warriors. And once they get that license, they are counted as an adult. Yes it's quite primitive here, but that's the beauty of Japan.

It respects traditional culture while letting new customs develop as well. Therefore, you'll find new technology and traditional values coexisting.

The problem is that sometimes new technology can clash with traditional values. There are places all over this country that are extremely advanced but then there are places that seem like they're still living in the early 1900s. Konohagakure is such a place. This is also another reason why it is a "hidden" village. In fact, there are five hidden villages in total in Japan, and the Japanese people are completely unaware of them, (as they should be.)

Even in the Japanese government only the highest ranking officials are aware of these villages, and they help them out, ...sometimes.
...Mostly just by leaving them alone, as instructed by The First Hokage, himself.
—But they've given resources in the past.

The year is 1998, and all over the nation cellphones have become a hot commodity, especially for the youth.

But you won't find any youths in Konohagakure, sporting a flip phone.

You see, the very first Hokage, Hashirama Senju, hated change.

The world with its technology was fastly evolving, and with it, so seem to be the morals of the people. Hashirama, was a moral man, who believed that conversation could rule a nation.

He believed that there was a time, where it was easier to be righteous, and it was before the world started getting all of this "unnecessary technology."

So he started making certain regulations concerning what type of tech the people would be getting knowledge of. Yes, that means that most of the people in Konohagakure don't even know that cell phones exist!

Perhaps in a ways, you can say that the Village hidden in the leaves might as well be an Amish Village.

He, Hashirama, was highly respected and loved, and didn't seem to have not even one enemy. He ruled for a good 30 years or so and although the first Hokage was seen as "A god amongst shinobi" He was still just a man, and like any man, he died.
And He died while Konohagakure began to flourish, leaving his younger brother to take his place. Tobirama Senju, kept some of the same sentiments and beliefs of his older brother. But he was not as peaceful, and he believed in war.
For him conversation wasn't always going to cut it.

Tobirama often made fun of his brother, saying he had a special technique, jokingly called "Talk no Jutsu."

"You think you can save the whole dang world with that talk no jutsu don't you?." And Hashirama would just shake his head and laugh, "Yeah, I really do."

And he proved it, during Hashirama's reign, a war between the five villages had been brewing, because the people had begun to fight over land and resources. Hashirama had miraculously managed to talk everyone down.

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