14: Xenia.

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I'd never felt more foolish.

One moment, I was steadfast in my belief that Romano belonged in my past, where he could no longer disrupt my new life. The next, I found myself obediently following his first order barely fifteen minutes after he had waltzed into my life again.

I could try to convince myself that I was gathering my belongings because I genuinely needed his protection, but deep down, I knew it was because I still lacked the courage to stick to my own plans when they involved Romano.

He'd changed—or perhaps five months had simply blurred my initial perceptions of him. He appeared more mature now, more imposing, more commanding, more arrogant, and more relentless in his pursuits.

His weight loss was obvious, impossible to ignore. But rather than detracting from his appeal, it only added to it, that devilishly attractive aura trailing behind him like a second skin. His mere presence by the door made me feel as though my room was shrinking around me. While I could still breathe normally, I found it difficult to concentrate.

As I reluctantly gathered a few of my things as instructed, a flurry of conflicting emotions churned deep inside me. The familiar sense of defiance warred with an unsettling vulnerability, reminding me of the tangled web Romano had woven around me.

"Do you not need your makeup box?" April asked, carding the box towards me. Yet, I shook my head.

"Trust that I wouldn't be going anywhere when I leave here with him." I tugged my underwear bag into my little box. "I might rot on a balcony...that's if I'm lucky enough to get a room with a balcony or even a good view at all."

Romano didn't react with anything except a stifled ironic laugh. I continued to pack.

In spite of my best efforts to resist, I couldn't deny the undeniable pull he still held over me. His mere presence evoked a mix of apprehension and longing, stirring memories I had tried so hard to bury.

I stole a glance at him as I folded a T-shirt that used to be Joanna's, noticing the subtle changes in his demeanor. There was a newfound intensity in his gaze, a determination that sent a shiver down my spine when he focused on my thighs. It was as if he had become even more relentless in his pursuit of possession, leaving me feeling both captivated and unnerved.

As I stood before him, my belongings in hand, I found it hard to shake the feeling that stepping back into his world would only lead to further chaos and heartache. But as much as I wanted to resist, a part of me wondered if perhaps there was still a glimmer of hope buried beneath the layers of mistrust and resentment.

It felt like bidding farewell to April for eternity. The news that some guy named Max had arranged a nearby hotel for us, under three hours away, wasn't exactly pleasant because I knew Romano wouldn't entertain such visits. On the bright side, Golden Vale was within walking distance from that hotel—I'd passed it numerous times on my way to see Joanna. And I had no intention of informing Romano about it. He didn't deserve to know anything about me, except for the book I was writing against him.

"Please call me, Zee," April choked out, tears threatening to spill as she watched me climb into the backseat of Romano's car. My emotions were in turmoil, but I refused to let myself cry—I couldn't show Romano any sign of weakness. He was nothing more than a fool who deserved my disdain.

April lowered her voice to a whisper, mindful of Romano approaching. "I don't understand this arrangement, and I don't know why you're going with him." It was because he wouldn't have listened to my objections. And perhaps because I needed him to shield me from the fallout of publishing this book. "I don't trust him, and if you're brave enough to share more about your decision, maybe I can help."

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