The Trip

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Rouge's P.O.V

Me and shadow were sleeping, until we heard something get dragged up the stairs,

Shadow: Probably just tails.

We went back to sleep.

The next morning....

Me and shadow had been tasked with waking everyone else up, since we usually woke up early.

We started at blaze and silver's room (Right across from ours) We woke them up, then got knuckles, we went down the hall, skipped sonic's (Since he had to drag tails), skipped tails' (Since he was dragged), after we got amy, we turned around to see tails behind us.

Tails: *Yawn* Hey guys, why didn't you wake me up?

Me: We figured you were tired since you were dragged up pretty late last night.

Tails: What are you talking about? I came up right after you guys! I didn't hear anyone.

Me: Wait, if it wasn't you then who was it?

Shadow: Everyone else looked well rested.

Me and shadow shared a look and then stared at sonic's door.

Shadow: Hey tails, go get the plane loaded up and started, as soon as we get sonic, we're leaving.

Tails: Ok!

He ran downstairs. 

Shadow: I'll lead.

He opened the door, sonic was nowhere to be found. his sheets were ruffled so he slept in his bed, half his blanket was on the floor, his pillow slumped against the wall. We were about to leave when I heard a sound, it sounded like whimpering. I mouthed to shadow 

Me: 'can you hear that?'

Shadow: 'hear what?'

Shadow's P.O.V

She put a finger to her mouth, I listened as carefully as I could, then I heard it, it sounded like whimpering, I tried to locate where the sound was coming from before finding the source. It came from under the bed, I pointed and rouge beckoned for me to look, I saw the hero curled up in a ball of spiky knives,

Me: Faker!


Me: *A little Louder* Faker!?



Sonic: Sh-Sha-ds...

Me: Yeah, that's me, You okay?

He looked over my shoulder probably about rouge.

Sonic uncurled, and jumped on me and rouge, hugging us tight. Smiling really big.


Me and rouge hugged back.

Me: Yeah, are you alright?

Sonic: Um, y-yeah, I will be thanks to you guys!

he loosened his grip, I pushed him back a bit so I could see him. His muzzle was tear-stained, a bruise on his stomach, his quills messy.

Rouge: Hun, are you sure your okay? You've never been happy to see us, especially shadow.

Sonic: Of course I am.

Me: I'm glad, now come on we gotta go.

Sonic's mood dropped drastically.

Sonic: Do we have to go?

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