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~ The First Day ~

as me and nick are walking to chemistry, he starts by talking about his dog trevor and the rest of his family apart from his brothers, but my mind wanders. why didn't chris shake my hand? i truly don't know what i did wrong. all i did was hold out my hand. leave it to me to overthink this stupid small action.

as i come out of my thoughts we're still walking and i pull out my phone since it buzzed. i glance at the time to read "8:11" i ask nick if we're almost to chemistry and he says

"damn girl chillax the door is right here"

we walk through the door and im met with an old man who's bald and is wearing a green flannel with some black pants and brown dress shoes. he looks back and forth between nick and i.

"why're we late?" he says in a way that is a little upset but like not trying to show it you know? i hate male teachers. anyways, that's aside the point, i didn't want nick to get in trouble so i just put us being late on me being new and needing a tour.

"hello im y/n. i'm so sorry we're late, im new and nick was just helping me around the school." i flash a smile and stick out my hand for a handshake. he doesn't give me one but says it's fine and we can take our seats.

nick says i can sit next to him so i walk awkwardly behind him to two empty seats next to one another. i pull out my phone and open my snapchat. i decide to text one of the girls i was kind of friends with in Arizona. i struggle with thinking of what to say, more of how to start a conversation.

i hesitate a second before clicking send on my message reading "hey jen how's second semester coming along?" we were always buddies for school work so it felt fitting to ask about school stuff. i swipe over onto the camera and just look at myself to see if i look okay. i see nick glance over.

"omg we should take a pic!" he says and puts his hand out asking for permission to take the picture. i hand him my phone, of course im open to taking pictures with friends. he holds the phone at a decent height and i smile and you can see my dimples. as soon as he takes the picture he saves it to my memories and i immediately stop smiling. i don't like my smile and have actually been bullied over it before.

sooner than i expected, the bell rang. i pull out my schedule and see i have a math class in room 2304 next. i ask nick if he knows where it is and he says yes and he has a class next to it. nick guides me to the math class and we part ways. i find an empty table at the back of the room after introducing myself to the teacher. i was relieved when everyone avoided the table i sat at. a few minutes after the bell rang and the door was closed, there were a few knocks.

the teacher got up from her desk and opened the door and told whoever it was to come in and have a seat. they walked past the door, into the classroom and it happened to be chris and matt. i scanned the room quickly and realized the only open seats were at my table. well i guess this is what i get for wanting to avoid people. i don't have a problem with them i just was hoping to lay my head down the whole class.

the two brothers came and sat at the same table as me, chris across and matt to my left. they say hello when they sit down and i quietly mutter a "hi."

i flash them both a quick smile and pull out my phone so it's not so awkward. i put in my face id and im met with the picture of me and nick that we never closed out before leaving chemistry. matt glanced over and saw the picture.

"yo that's not fair, nick gets a pic with y/n before us bro!" he whisper screamed toward chris. i look over at Matt a little confused. why does it matter who gets a pic with me first? chris looks at Matt and Matt looks at me and puts out his hand for permission to take a pic with them.

i mean if it matters so much to them then i don't see the harm in taking one with them. chris comes around on the other side of the table and sits to my right. matt holds the phone a little higher than expected and i see a few people look at us. i smile and he takes the picture so i quickly stop smiling and tell him to put the phone down. i swear it always feels like people are judging bro.

matt hands the phone back and i look at the photo with chris. chris looks at the photo and then at matt.

"yo matt what if we set it as the lockscreen so nick sees it!" he whisper screams behind me to matt. matt smiles and chuckles a bit and says that it's a good idea. i hand my phone to chris after he stuck his hand out and he goes in my settings and changes my lockscreen to the picture taken seconds ago. before handing my phone back i see him smile a little before handing my phone back.

the rest of the period was spent making jokes with chris and matt. these guys aren't too bad.

~•~•~•~•~• TIME SKIP •~•~•~•~•~

it's now 3:30 and the last bell of the day rang. i was walking out of the front doors when i hear nick say my name. i glance up and i see him standing with matt and chris. i wave and i see him motion me over. i walk over and say hi and hug nick. i didn't expect the other two to like hugs but i was embraced in a hug from each of them. i love hugs.

i smile and ask what's up. nick looks around the group and signals for matt to say something.

"we were wondering if you wanted to come over... you know to like hang out... with all of us?" as he finished his sentence i see him look up for a split second in chris's direction. i don't think much on that but i do like the sound of hanging out with some friends.

"yeah totally. were you thinking today or like another time?" i don't want them to think i don't want to hang out but im a little confused on when we're talking about since there was no specific time mentioned.

"well it can be today but it doesn't matter. it can be whenever." he shrugs his shoulders and gives me a reassuring smile.

"yeah today is great. i do need to go home and change first if that's okay with you guys?" they all nod.

"great so if i could have one of your guys's numbers to text me the address and i can come over when im done?" i stick out my phone and they all three go to grab it. ultimately chris ends up with the phone. i hear him type his number and a name for the contact. he hands me his phone back and i open my messages app. i send a "🤫" to his number so he gets my number. seconds later i feel a vibration from my phone and see the addresss pop up.

"great! i'm gonna head home now. i'll see you guys in a bit!" i hug them all again and say bye. i reach home and run up to my room to find me an outfit to wear.

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