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I woke up this morning and felt dizzy. The usual at this point. every day is the same, like i'm living in an unescapable cycle.

I wake up, i go to school, i come home to watch my little brother, and i go to bed.

every single day is exactly the same. but this year will be different. i can feel it.

Today is January 1st, 2021. I'm not all for the dumb new year's resolutions. i mean who actually ever completes them????? i mean i've never seen or met someone who has completed a NEW YEAR's RESOLUTION.

However, i have one this year that i think is possible to complete. I am moving to Boston in a couple weeks. Yes i know. Moving in the early year is never anything you want. if i'm being quite honest, Arizona isn't cutting it anymore.

every day it's so so hot, i feel like my feet are burning off when i step on the concrete without shoes. I have hopes that Boston will be a positive change. Hopefully the change of weather will make my mom happy. She hasn't been too good since the incident with dad.

i used to move quite often because of my dad's job always moving him around, but this time Boston is for me, mom, and josh. Boston will hopefully bring me friends who will welcome me. i often struggle to keep friends since i'm kind of the new girl every school year. prayers to hoping Boston will last longer than just 8 months!

Senior year hasn't been the best for me. hopefully the kids in Boston won't be as bad as the kids here.

My 18th birthday is coming up soon. I'm so so excited. i can't wait to move out and design my own apartment. I love designing things, it's just so soothing for me.

Being 18 also brings responsibilities, such as rent when i move out so i'm hoping to find a job when we get there so i can start providing for myself, and maybe take some stress off of mom.

chris sturniolo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now