Chapter Three

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Kat was heavily sleeping on the top bunk. Her hair was also down. It was very curly

"Where have you been?" She asked as her eyes were closed.

"On a hunt for a bonus," I said as I walked over to my mirror.

"That explains it."

I began to take off my bobby pins.

"How was the feast?"

"Boring. And I mean very boring."

"Must have been."

"Okay allow me to sleep now. Try to be quiet."

"Okay, sleep well."

I undid my hair. Put my outfit away.

I put on my black long shirt and long pants. I generally wear that to sleep.

I fell asleep.

I woke up to Eris jumping on my bed. She had blonde straight hair which was in a side braid. She generally wore a tulle long-sleeve short dress in lines of shades of brown all over it.

Eris is Corises little sister.

"Shafija, Shafija wake up!"

I opened my eyes and while yawning I said "What do you want?"

I sat on my bed.

"Where were you yesterday? I couldn't find you at the feast." She said swiftly.

"I was busy."

"With what? Tell me, tell me, tell me!"


"None of what?" she said and sat by me.

"Your business."

"You're mean." She said, frowned and crossed her arms.

"Give me some time to get ready."

"Okay." She said and ran out of the room.

What an energetic child. I thought to myself. I got ready. I put on my usual clothes with my black ankle boots.

I checked the top bunk. Kat wasn't there.

I went downstairs. Sitir was there managing everyone like always.

Coris was having a drink. But I noticed he dyed his locks blonde.

I sat by him. Hoping to scare him.


"You failed, love," He frowned.

"Stop calling me love."

He took a moment to think of what to say.

"You like my new look?"


He turned to Sitir who was still directing others.

"Sitir! You like my new look!"

He looked up from the list he was holding. He answered with "Yeah!"

Coris turned back to me. "See?"

"He's lying... probably."

"I suggest you change something about yourself too."

"I will, with my hair."

"How are you so good at braiding?"

That reminded me of my mom. a mixed feeling.

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