1. In which we meet my dysfunctional family. Seriously

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I know, I know.  It's so clichéd; so old and re-told (no rhymes intended).

The unique, bubbly girl, who goes to Hogwarts, gets bullied and hates her life, so she transfers to Beauxbatons, and has a beautiful, perfect life.

*Cringe* Sorry its so...mainstream, but its my story, and its more complicated than that.

For starters, you have to factor in my family.

As in, the crazy people who think they gave birth to me.

My reality is that I have beautiful, loving parents, and my Mom's a Goddess, but I couldn't live with her because, well, you know, she's a God and all, and she didn't want me to go to be sent to a place for religious freaks, because I'd probably be picked on even more there, and she wanted a lovely daughter who wasn't subjected to those conniving...


*Getting over my rant*

Yup. So, I have my crazy parents, plus my four brothers (yeah, I know you've read the stories about the only girl with the seven brothers, but I'm a tad more realistic, okay? Cause this is actually my life, not some fictional fantasy story written for die-hard Potterheads.)

Another thing: get used to my rants.

So, I have four brothers, ranging from youngest to oldest:

1.    Lachlan, a sweet little cutie pie, who's actually in his third year, which is a bit disturbing, but anyhow. He goes to Hogwarts (EVIL SCHOOL), and is an adorable little Gryffindor...I think. He may be another house; I'm not quite sure. Perhaps Hufflepuff. Yeah. He's pretty short, and has sandy blonde hair, and blue eyes, from Dad.

2.    Jeremy, or Jem, who's kind of the "perfect child". If you have siblings, you'll know what I'm talking about. The one who's better than the rest, that the parents are just a tad more proud of, that the family smiles just a bit more at? I'm not jealous, honestly: I'm not, but Jem's that child in our family. And its quite understandable, he's definitely a Gryffindor (sixth year), he's a chaser on the team, set to become captain (unless he gets Head boy), amazing school scores, charming looks (Like Lachy with sandy blonde hair, but he got Mum's brown eyes) and manner, and...fawned over by girls (EWWWW!).

3.    Gabriel, he's my amazing twin. We look nothing alike, though, as Gabriel got Mum's brown eyes and hair, but he's still...*cough, cough* ... hot. Anyways, he's the current Gryffindor Quidditch captain (seventh year), but he plays Beater, and he's more of a bad-boy than Jem. We get along heaps well, and write each other more than I do with my other brothers.

4.    And, finally Casper, my older brother. You know how you hear of those amazing/annoying older brothers, who are over-protective, and will give you a hug when you cry and talk it through with you, and are always ready to answer your call, and were really popular when they went to school? Casper is none of that. We never got on well as kids, I always go to Gabe when I cry, and if he were unavailable, Jem, then Lachy and then I'd cry by myself. Not Casper, ever. I never hear from him, only through Mum and Dad, and he wasn't popular when he was at school, wasn't very good at much, had dyslexia and everything. That is my older brother. He looks like Mum in male form, with dark brown hair and eyes, and looks nothing like me. He's lanky, skinny and extremely tall, with no muscles and zilch interest in sport. Or anything for that matter, other than music. He wasn't magical, and hated it that we'd come home with amazing stories of the castle he could never visit. He's graduated now, and promptly skipped university, moved to America, and does something to do with music and movies (but not composing, I'm afraid).

So, my brothers. Amazing, huh?

Well, I guess I should tell you about me now, right?


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