Healing Touches and Shame |Six |

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Sizhui made it to the Quiet Room  within 20  minutes and the whole time he was in agony. His stomach was fluttering out of control, he was becoming so dizzy to the point where he was about to pass out, and he his private area was throbbing like never before. He had never experienced these sensations and he was quite confused on what had caused it. He tried to replay in his mind what could have triggered these responses.

He looked at the ground and the wood path, following it quickly. It would be getting dark soon and it looked as if it was going to storm. Also, the wind was picking up. He tried to focus and hurry home, but he felt awful. He finally arrived at the porch and climbed the stairs about to topple over. He hit the door with a thud then opened it, falling to the floor.

Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji were at the table talking until they heard a thud on the door, then they had stopped, only to see Sizhui fall onto the Quiet Room floor. Before they could stand up properly, Sizhui rushed over to them, crawling and groaning. He reached Wei Wuxian first, with tears streaming down his eyes. Wei Wuxian grabbed him in his arms, "Sizhui!"

Lan Wangji hurried to the other side of the table to be on Sizhui's other side. He watched the boy shaking in Wei Wuxian's hands. "What happened?"

Lan Sizhui was so embarrassed to tell them that he had an erection and that his nipples and anus were throbbing, so he left those details out. "I was fine, but then my body had started to feel strange, like I – I needed to get back here to you two, to home as soon as possible." He managed to stumble through these words. "I feel a little bit better being here." Wei Wuxian's touches felt like medicine.

"It is the curse," Wei Wuxian said to Lan Wangji. He looked down at Sizhui, his body was hot to the touch and the boy was pale. "He is feverish. What other sensations are you feeling, what is strange Sizhui?"

"My stomach is tingling so much and I feel light headed, I just wanna . . . can you hold me tighter?" Wei Wuxian obliged. He noticed the boy holding his legs tightly together and occasionally rubbing at his buttock in between clutching his stomach.

Lan Wangji, noticing the same things as his partner, asked, "What else, Sizhui?"

"N-Nothing," he refused to tell them about his nether regions, shaking his head in agony. He stood in his senior's arms for a  few minutes. He noticed that each moment he was in Wei Wuxian's embrace soothed him even more. I want Hanguang Jun, too. Need him...What is this? "Hanguang Jun, can you hug me too?" He asked, starting to care less and less about his shame. He just wanted the man to touch him. Lan Wangji put Sizhui's head into his lap and his bottom half stretched across Wei Wuxian's body. This wasn't an embrace, but he still held him. He wanted to examine his disciple.

"He has never had any symptoms while he was awake, Lan Zhan," Wei Wuxian, he looked intensely at Lan Wangji, who had his eyes glued to Sizhui. The boy looked up at him, tired and restless and definitely agitated, fighting off his symptoms to no avail. "He is getting worse, Lan Zhan." Wei Wuxian said through gritted teeth, "We need to do something."

Lan Wangji was quiet as he observed Sizhui. He saw that the boy was still clutching his stomach, sweating, and tugging at his private areas. His breathing was getting shaky. "I don't know what to do. Help me, please Wei Qianbei – you told me you and Hanguang Jun know how to subdue my symptoms. Please?" Lan Sizhui looked up at the men. "Please?"

"Lan Zhan," Wei Wuxian 's voice was pleading, also. Lan Wangji continued to observe the boy, through the pleas of the other two, his precious Sizhui's chest heaved up and down and now Sizhui was looking up frighteningly at him, hair disheveled and  headband crooked on his head. Lan Sizhui was truly a damsel in distress.

He always did what he had to do to protect his juniors. Always, no matter what it took. And he also knew that if he didn't act soon, Wei Wuxian would do things himself. Lan Wangji began to unfasten Sizhui's outer robes. Then he began to undo the inner robes, and Sizhui was startled.

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