The Nights | Four |

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Another week had passed, and Sizhui did not show symptoms while he was awake. Besides his body aching for reasons he assumed was from the curse, he thought himself fine. Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji would wait on him hand and foot. Sizhui still thought it was off that they were being so attentive to him, even when he on multiple occasions told them that he could do things himself. They still insisted.

On some mornings when he woke up, they acted stranger than others, like something had happened during the night before. Sizhui also noticed on those same nights, sometimes either Wei Wuxian or Lan Wangji would have red marks on their necks or top of their chests if their robes were down far enough. He even saw a bite mark on Lan Wangji's collar bone.

Sizhui noticed all of this. "Hanguang Jun," Sizhui said when they were all eating at a table in the Quiet Room. Usually Sizhui wouldn't question Lan Wangji about any marks on his body, one because Lan Wangji usually didn't get them, or 2 because he already knew about the ones he did have, like the whip marks, but something urged Sizhui to ask about this bite. It was one of those mornings.

"Mmm?" asked Lan Wangji as he continued to enjoy his breakfast.

"You have a bite mark by your neck and shoulder. What is that from?" Sizhui motioned to the injury.

Lan Wangji looked over to him, his expression unmoving, then he looked away back towards his food. Wei Wuxian's eyes grew large when he heard the question, and he looked away from Lan Sizhui to Lan Wangji.

"An intimate activity. With someone I love," Lan Wangji sipped his tea, saying nothing else.

Sizhui's eyes grew. Did Wei Wuxian bite him like that? He hoped it was Wei Wuxian. Was that part of sex, maybe he could let Jingyi know that people bite their partners during sex. "Oh. I-I didn't hear anything." Why did I say that? He did not want to make the conversating more awkward nor did he want to get involved in his senior's personal business. "I was a-asleep. So-Sorry."

Wei Wuxian's odd expression curved up into a smile. Sizhui was always embarrassed to talk about sex. "You don't have to apologize for that, Sizhui."

"No, no. I mean. I don't want to bud in on you two's sex practices." He placed both hands in front of him, physically trying to push away an inanimate thought, "You like to bite him when you two have sex. I'm not judging. I'm sorry."

"Me?" Wei Wuxian looked at him confused. "But you were the one who bi-"

"Wei Wuxian." Lan Wangji quickly interrupted Wei Wuxian's sentence. They glanced at each other, exchanging silence but gaining understanding. Then all three continued to eat and Wei Wuxian changed the subject like nothing even happened. Sizhui found it strange.

Sizhui had to stay in bed or get up only to eat or take a bath. They even wanted to monitor him with that, but Sizhui had to beg for his privacy. "I can do it myself. Please. I don't want you guys to -to see me naked." When he said that, Wei Wuxian lifted both of his eyebrows, as if he knew something but didn't want to say it. Lan Wangji just kept a blank expression.

"Well, I already ran your bath, so just," Wei Wuxian's looked at Lan Wangji then quickly looked back, "don't take too long. Do you need help undressing?" He reached out his hand, aiming for Sizhui's robe belt. But it was quickly swatted away.

"NO." Sizhui ran into the bathroom. What was with them? And what was with him and hitting his elders? The tension in the house was building up more and more and Sizhui did not know who he could talk to about it. He wasn't allowed to go anywhere or have visitors. I am going to have to convince them that I am okay to leave this place.

He began to take off his clothes. I have to talk to someone. I can't stay in here all day and night cooped up with these two. I could just sneak out. Sizhui quickly thought against that. He still did not know what his symptoms were if he got too fatigued or if something triggered him. He did not want to risk it and go out alone by himself, nor did he want to get in any more trouble with Hanguang Jun. Why haven't those two been on a night hunt together, they would always go and travel. But Sizhui already knew the answer. It was because of Sizhui himself. They would not leave him in just anyone's hands. But why couldn't I stay with Zewu-Jun? Surely my symptoms at night aren't that bad.

Pure | | Lan Sizhui, Lan Wangji, Wei WuxianDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora