Attacking the kent

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The day pass and everyone is scared which who would blame them, Clark needs time to think so he went to a church meanwhile Goku is with mom
Goku-mom, Is Clark gonna be okay

Martha-yes sweetie, everything will be okay just have hope okay
She smiled so Goku does the same, they shared a hug. Like the mean timeline Clark went to the zod's ship but figured out he's gonna harm earth by killing the people so zod can have his people back, luckily Clark and his friend Lois left the ship okay but soon Zod visited Kal's earth family. Goku and Martha felt a shake and heard it outside so they went outside
Goku-you stay here dusty okay


Martha-you too


Martha-just stay please
She look at him with worried and Goku doesn't want to obey
Goku-oh... okay
She kissed his forehead and went outside, he saw a group of them, Goku is worried
Zod-the craft he arrived in, where is it

Martha-go to hell
One of zod soldiers grab Martha by the throat, she notices Martha is looking at the barn but before she could do anything
Goku ran out and kick her but she barley moved but she let go Martha, Goku stand in front of his mother
Goku-you stay away from her
Zod is surprise, a saiyan
Zod-Faora go get the ship
She nod and went to the barn, zod walk up to the family
Zod-what is a saiyan doing here

Goku-look I don't know what's that but leave my mom alone
Zod is confused how did he not know his own race but Faora came back with a ship but not Clark ships but Goku's pod
Faora-the codex is not here but I found the saiyan pod
Out of anger zod throw the truck to the house
Before he could do anything, zod grab goku's neck
Zod-where has he hidden it

Martha-I don't know, leave my son alone

Zod-you call this ape your son, I'm surprised he didn't conquer this planet after all that's all his people know to do but if you don't tell me where is the codex something will happen to this ape
Zod then heard something as soon he turn he was attacked by Clark, he let go of Goku. Clark felt angered what he have done to this planet and his family, he punch zod with anger
Zod-you think you can frighten my mother, you think you can hurt my brother
They crash to the city, zod helmet broke so he have to learn how to use his powers like how Clark did but was stop by zod two great soldiers while the military did attack the alien but Clark didn't attack, he did hurt Faora making them retreat for now and the military realized Clark isn't the enemy here it's their ally when peace was made he left to check on his mother and his brother, if they are okay. Meanwhile the kryptonians left when there leader was attacked leaving the family alone but they took his pod, Goku check on his mom if she's okay
Goku-mom are you okay

Martha-I'm fine what about you

Goku-I'm okay but I'm gonna check on dusty if his okay so I'll be right back
She nods, Goku ran inside the house
Goku-dusty, dusty, where are you dusty

He saw dusty hidden but ran to Goku, Goku hug dusty
Goku-there you are, I was worried about you


Martha-glad dusty is alright

She was looking for something
Goku-hey mom, what are you trying to find

Martha-the picture book

Goku-here let me help
They try to look for the picture book but Martha found it, she look through it seeing all of the memories like Goku, Clark, and John, Goku stood there happy that he is part of the family
Clark-mom, Goku

Martha-we're all right
They went to the front door hugging each other
Martha-nice suit, son

Clark-I'm so sorry

Martha-it's only stuff, Clark. Ah, it can always be replaced

Clark-buy you can't be

Goku-yea mom, you took us in when we needed

Martha-don't forget your father

Clark-mom, zod said this codex he's looking for can actually bring my people back

Martha-isn't that a good thing

Goku-yea, we could always share earth

Clark-I don't think they're interested in sharing this world
A cop car stop here and drop off Lois, she ran to Clark
Lois-Clark, I know how to stop
She told them how to stop it soon the military came to get Clark's ship, they soon left but before they do Clark says his goodbye
Clark-I'll be going now

Martha-okay just be careful alright

Clark-I'll try

Goku-you sure, I can help too I'm a alien

Clark-I know but I need someone to protect mom while I'm gone, can I trust you
Goku knows he only saying that to protect him but he's right, they share a fist bump
Goku-yea, give them a good punch for me

Clark-will do
Time have pass, in canon Clark stop his own people but he sadly had to kill zod without much of a choice he return to the family which Goku ran to him
Goku-CLARK, Clark
He hug his brother
Clark-heheh good to see you too

Martha-did you beat them
Clark with a sad expression
Clark-yea, yea I did
She hug him feeling bad
Martha-I'm sorry, I wish there was a other way
Clark smiled
Clark-don't worry mom, I'm happy with my family here
When the hug is done, Martha is turn to Lois
Martha-want to join us

Lois-oh I can't

Martha-come now, your welcome
Knowing she can't beat her so she join
Lois-okay, I'll join
Everyone one walk to the dinner table besides the brothers Goku is standing look at the sky and Clark is checking on him
Clark-something wrong

Goku-I felt I didn't help, they beat me with ease and if you didn't save us, we would... would
Clark put a hand on his shoulder
Clark-you did your best and that's what it matters but someday you'll be strong, strong like me maybe even stronger

Goku-would dad be proud of me

Clark-dad would be beyond proud
Goku smiled

Clark-no problem, let's hurry back before everyone eat the food

Goku-uhh then what are we waiting for then
He ran to the dinner table and Clark smiled happy that's he happy he look at the sky one more time
Clark-thank you dad, Thank you for everything, please watch over Goku, he's a good kid
They eat and Lois is surprise, Goku and Martha made the food from whatever left inside and made it outside with a campfire
Lois-umm he eats a lot

Martha-he sure does

Clark-you get use to it
When dinner was done, Goku went to his room before going to bed well in a tent since his room is broken but he did find something very important this object was his for awhile his mom give it to him when he was young, she said she happened to find one day in one of the crops, he praying to a orange orb with four stars inside
Goku-hey Mr orb, I know things haven't been good but there is some good of it like still having my family and think that girl have a crush on my brother, anyways I better head to bed so I can help mom with repairing the house good night Mr orb
He blow the candle and head to bed

Hey guys, this is the end of the man of steel sadly goku isn't in much due with his power level, his strength is probably weaker or at original dragon ball first journey but he'll get one special chapter which isn't canon it's just a vs battle, hope you guys enjoy see ya in SVB

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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