Goku john kent

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Martha is a normal human but you can't say that to her life, she raise a alien name Clark but she didn't raise him by herself their was her husband John but he sadly pass because he protected their son Clark powers, while John does love Clark he didn't want him to use his powers because earth people may hate him for because they might be afraid of his strength and sadly John sacrificed himself so no one notice his son strength. Clark left home to find who he was, what he really it been some years now that he left of course he calls his mom but from the telephone stands so no one gets his real number or find his mom place while that's happening Martha was outside, she was doing some laundry like hanging the clothing, it was normal until she saw something in the sky
Martha-the hell
It crash down near the farm, Martha check with dusty
Martha-doesn't this bring back memories uh boy

She found a pod
Martha-I hope whoever in the pod is like Clark and not a alien that will suck my face and a alien bust outta my chest
When she got closer the pod open
Martha-please don't be a bad alien
The smoke clear out and saw something moving
And it was a baby
Martha-oh thank god
The baby smiled
Martha-hey little guy, how are you
The baby laugh and she noticed the tail
Martha-a tail, that's new guess your not like Clark but I'll take care of you like him
She pick the baby and smiled
Martha-guess you need a name hmm you know I read a book called journey the west and wukong have a other name called goku and since you have a tail why not goku
Goku laugh to his name
Martha-you like it, goku
Goku laugh louder, she laugh as well
Martha-okay, well welcome to the family
Months pass while raising him she realize he ates a lot but luckily they live in a farm so the food is good and luckily kakarot grow up fast so he was able to help his mom with the farm, but one day Clark called

Clark-hey mom

Martha-Clark how are you

Clark-good mom, just checking in on how you are

Martha-find even better, Clark few months ago I saw a pod and the baby is similarly to you

Clark-... wait really

Martha-yea but he have a tail so I think he's probably a different race, unless you had a tail that we didn't know

Clark-hehehe no I didn't but still it's good that there's someone like me if he isn't part of my people

Martha-oh wait hey goku, come over here


Martha-yea, here it's your brother


Clark-hello, you must goku

Goku-and your Clark, mom told me about you and I can't believe your like me

Clark-yea, so how are you

Goku-I'm good, I been helping mom and taught me how to speak, walk, help, and so many things even my name goku John Kent
Clark smiled knowing the middle name mean
Clark-that's good, just take care of mom okay

Goku-will do, I gonna go now, the farm need work

Clark-hehehe okay, good luck

Goku-okay bye brother

Martha took the phone back
Martha-so any thoughts of him

Clark-I think your in good hands

Martha-hehehe hope so but is there anything else you wanted to tell me

Clark-well I was gonna tell you I might not call you in awhile and I don't want you to worry an didn't want to leave you alone with dusty but with goku there I think things will be okay

Martha-okay just know that I love you

Clark-love you too also I like goku's middle name

Martha-me too

Clark-bye mom

Martha-bye Clark
They hang up for now, for Goku he'll help his mom but as we know of goku and Clark something will be happening to the both of them soon but for now they are enjoying life

Martha-bye Clark They hang up for now, for Goku he'll help his mom but as we know of goku and Clark something will be happening to the both of them soon but for now they are enjoying life

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