White Rabbit

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Lily and Kate were sitting down on the sand going through all sorts of suitcases. They were sorting clothes into two piles. Practical on an island, and unpractical on an island.

Lily hadn't said much since her breakdown last night. Sawyer wasn't great at comforting people, so after Lily was done crying and left, he went straight to tell Kate. Something about Lily made him feel different. Maybe it was that she was a kid, and his protective instincts kicked in, or maybe it was because she immediately understood him somehow. Either way, he couldn't help but feel sorry for her. He didn't give away her whole story, just that a certain death of someone was upsetting the girl. But, Kate hadn't stopped thinking about who it could've been. Lily was only sixteen years old. It was unlikely that she was on the plane herself, but everyone would've already known if she had lost a parent.

Kate decided to ask her.
"Hey, Lily?"

Lily just hummed, looking at the woman.

"Sawyer told me you were upset last night about a woman. Was she your mom?", Kate's voice was quiet and gentle, not wanting to sadden her any more.

"No. She was my caseworker.", Lily answered. She wasn't normally so open, but this island was changing her perspective. Plus, she didn't have the energy to lie.

"You were in the system?"

"Sort of."

"Do you mind me asking what happened?", Kate continued to pry, but it didn't bother the teenager. She was ready to talk about it.

"My mom left when I was young. My brother did too a few years ago. It was just me and my dad, but he ended up kicking me out you know. So Dr. Cassandra was taking me to a foster home. She's been with my family my whole life."

"I'm so sorry.", Kate told her. Partly because she really was, and partly because she had no clue what else to say.


There was silence for a few more moments, until Claire walked up to the two.

"You haven't found a hairbrush have you?", she wondered.

"No. Sorry.", Kate frowned.

"I haven't either.", Lily told her.

"I must have looked through twenty suitcases. I can't find one. Weird, right? I'd think that everyone travels with a hairbrush.", Claire rambled, but she stumbled a little, almost falling.

"Claire? Are you okay?", Lily rushed to her side.

"You alright?", Kate asked.

"Yeah, it's just the heat. And oh, I'm pregnant.", she laughed a little.

Lily thought it was pretty obvious that she was not fine.

Kate grabbed some water and handed it over to Claire.

"Thanks. What are you guys doing?"

"We're sorting the practical clothes from the impractical. Wanna help?", Kate answered.

"Sure. Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, shoot.", Kate nodded her head.

"Are you a Gemini?"

"Yeah, I am."

Woah. How'd she know that?

"I thought so. Restless, passionate. You know most people think astrology's just a load of crap. But, that's just because they don't get it.", Claire smiled.

"Can you do mine?", Lily raised her eyebrows.

"Sure. I'd say you're a Pisces. Quiet, in your head a lot, empathetic.", Claire listed off.

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