Tabula Rasa

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The group was walking back to the beach from their trip to try and get the transceiver to work. Lily was exhausted, but she kept the pace up to stick with everyone else. Sawyer noticed her walking dully at the back of the group and made his way over to her.

"You good?"

She looked up a little startled and nodded, looking back to the ground and kicking at the dirt.


"Um. Yeah. It's just I think today is my dad's funeral."

He frowned at her and sighed. He knew what losing a dad was like. It wasn't easy.
"Wanna talk?"

She shook her head, a little confused about why he had an interest in her suddenly, but definitely not wanting to talk at the moment.

He nodded and walked back up to the front to annoy the group.

"It's getting dark.", Boone alerted.

"Then pick up the pace.", Sawyer told him.


"Little louder?"

"We should make camp.", Sayid broke up their blossoming argument.

"What, here?", Shannon asked.

"Yes, here."

"I'm not stopping, you all have a nice cookout.", Sawyer kept walking.

"Excellent, walk through the jungle in the dark.", Sayid mumbled.

"Oooh. Afraid the trees are gonna get me?"

"The monkeys might.", Lily joked, but no one seemed to hear her, or maybe they just ignored her.

"No, what is knocking down the trees will get you."

"Well, if you're so worried about me, why not give me the clip back?", he asked them, pulling his gun out.

"Put the gun back in your pants, Sawyer. Sayid's right. If you keep walking you're not going to make it to the beach.", Kate told him.

"Yeah, why's that?", he challenges in a threatening way.

"Trust me."

He huffed, but listened to her and the group made a large fire to sit around. Lily sat in between Kate and Sawyer, and watched as Sayid grabbed a rock and stood up.

"This is Australia.", he told them, placing down the rock.
"And this is us.", he waved around his torch.

"Nice stick.", Sawyer rolled his eyes.

"Two days ago we took off from Sydney. We flew along the same northeast route every commercial airliner bound for Los Angeles does. Now the pilot, he said he lost communication with the ground, correct?", Sayid asked Kate and Lily.

"Yeah, 6 hours in.", Lily answered him.

"He turned around and headed for Fiji.", Kate elaborated.

"So we changed course. Regrettably, no one knew we changed course. The turbulence hit, we know the rest.", he put out his torch.

Lily didn't know much about directions, planes, or airline courses. She really didn't know much of anything helpful in this situation. She felt pretty useless.

"The pilot said we were over a thousand miles off course."

"Yeah, but they'll find us. The satellites in space can take pictures of your license plate.", Charlie assured.

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