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"Why must I babysit these two....."

"STICKING OUT YOUR GYATT-" you were babysitting Noah as your eyes twitched annoyed

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"STICKING OUT YOUR GYATT-" you were babysitting Noah as your eyes twitched annoyed. He was singing this song that was catchy with some dumb ass lyrics. He kept singing it to the point you had to cover his mouth as he elbows you.


"NEVAAAAA!" Noah yells before biting your hand as you yelped kicking Noah on accident. As you yelped Noah holds his head about to cry, "I HATE YOU! You are SO NOT SKIBI" He yells as he jumps off the couch and go to his room slamming his door shut again.

You groan holding your hand that had teeth marks, you could tell it was turning red. "Ugh..now I have rabies from that little douchebag..." you said as yellow peeks out of your room.

You had trapped the small chibis in your room so Noah won't mistake them as toys and destroy them. Or maybe it was beside it was unusual for these creature to be real. As you went to the bathroom to look for the home aid box, yellow squeaks waddling over to you. They see the bite as their eyes(?) shake worried for you. Tears prick out as they waddle faster holding onto your thigh.

You heard small steps but they were quick. "Huh?" You said confused to see yellow shaking and squeaking while nuzzling into you. You were confused at this as you pick yellow up and place him on your shoulder. Their stubby legs sat on your shoulder sniffling as they eye the bite mark on your hand.

You noticed where they looked as you sweatdropped at this, "hey calm down dude. It's just a bite mark, I ain't gonna die." Yellow sniffles but then calms down staring at your face. You could've sworn the small creature had a pink blush on its cheek before hopping off your shoulder and running to your room.

You stare with a confused face as you sighed looking at your hand and put a disinfectant on it. "Weird ass creature..."

YOU SNORE on your bed as yellow sleeps on your head, black sleeps on your chest, and green is sleeping by your neck nuzzling it

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YOU SNORE on your bed as yellow sleeps on your head, black sleeps on your chest, and green is sleeping by your neck nuzzling it. The other creatures, knows as crewmates were around your room doing random things. As you snore green wakes up as they move over to your face, they just stare at it as they purr.

Green then stares at yellow who sleeps on your head. Being green themself, they pushed yellow off which made yellow squeaked out loud making black wake up. Black then jumps dramatically as he uses his body to make yellow's fall soften. Green snickers as you woke up to squeaks and pushes beside you.

You drowsily turn your head to see black pushing green as green pushes black back. Yellow sniffle sitting behind black as yellow jumps up seeing your eyes open. He runs immediately over to you squeaking as black and green sees you awake. You sat up gently to not squish the three.

"Okay what in the world are you guys doing..." you said narrowing your eyes at black and green who seemed to start to squeak at each other angrily. You and yellow look at each other but then yellow squeaks over to purple who wears glasses.

Purple jumps down to your bed as they form a mouth and pull over a tablet. They start to draw a yellow, green, and black dot. As they do this, purple draws what happened. You just watched amused as black manly squeak at green and headbutts the other creature. Green huff with a squeak as you sigh picking up the huffing crewmate and the 'manly' other one as black seems to glare at green.

"Both of you stop it..." your voice was raspy from you waking up which seemed to help as they both jumped at your voice and lookin down ashamed. You sigh again placing them on your lap. You stare wondering how in the hell did you get have these things in your room and life.

All you could say is that they surely have personality...

All you could say is that they surely have personality

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