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Pooja's pov:

Hey there readers my name is Pooja Kurup, doesn't ring the bell? It's me the prominent contemporary author from Kerala who became world famous in 2031 with my book A Baggage, remember? Yeah I guess now it sounds familiar to you if not I can't help your poor memory so kindly go read a news paper daily.

So right now I am in kolkata, came as a guest to an engineering college, well I should say half of this generation is into fiction books a lot, they love being delusional and escaping from reality is their thing which is why I love these kids.

"What's your opinion on love
Miss Pooja Kurup?" I look at the stubby young student in black jeans and tee with blue colour lanyard around her neck with the college name printed on it. For a girl in early twenties she looks way younger with her baby face and chubby cheeks.

"Hmm, what can I say yaar?" I huff dramatically making the whole auditorium vibrate with happy laughter. "It's like a piece of art, the more interested you are in it the more beautiful it will be"

"Wow" The chubby girl chuckles making me smirk at her playfully.

"Listen guys,a very simple equation,
love happens in a very less span of time,it's just a feeling but it's growth depends on the person you choose"

"Whoa!" Few whistles and claps goes around "You indeed have a way with words pooja, by the way I am in love with you dress sense"

"Aww, really?" I am simply wearing a stripped cropped cardigan and paired it with black wide jeans.

"Yes, I do stalk you on social media to know about the dresses you wear to various interviews and seminars"

"That's so sweet"
And that's the end of my time at the college as guest then after I am being moved to dean's cabin to have dinner with him like a speaking psittacula in cage I mean I know I am famous but sometimes it gets awfully annoying to see different new faces with wide artificial smiles showing me their ultra white teeth.

"The speech was great" Dean and I shake hands, he is that one north indian man with big paunch and bald head who doesn't actually look suitable for that chair, well I can't think like this. We shouldn't judge people based on their body shape cause it's not a right thing. Understand my underrated hypocrisy.

"You were there? I didn't see you sir!" I made making myself comfortable in the fancy looking wooden chair.

"I am watching you from the cctv footage" That sounded creepy nonetheless I smiled "Our students are well mannered" That's for me to say sir, hmm let him boast for a while anyway I am not that hungry right now.

"Yes they are"

"Yeah,We have ordered best bengali food items for you. Let's eat" We moved into another small room with bed, dining table, couch and tv, I mean whoa! Many privileges for that seat eh?
"So how's the stay here, are you comfortable?" He asked when I literally shoved my face in a monochrome painting trying to figure out what it is!

"Yeah, the place was great" I chuckle and sit at the dining table. There are just five people in the room and the three others includes a woman who is serving us the food, Raju named guy who's my security arranged by my secretary and the last person I don't know his name is standing at door ofcourse he is the PA of the Dean! Uff, I sigh internally today I am bone-tired.

"It was nice having you on the campus Pooja Kurup"

"The pleasure is mine" I smile and got inside the Mercedes-benz EQC which is maroon colour by the way, the same colour Ranvijay gifts to bhabhi 2 in Animal. Okay don't get me wrong I love watching films and it's a film with unreasonable and impossible fiction maybe that's why it did have much impact on the people.
"How much time to reach the hotel Raju jii?"

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