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Robert Baratheon, who'd been named King before he even set foot inside the capitol, arrived so 6 days before the moon came to a close, the throne had been kept warm for him by Ser Jaime Lannister of the Kingsguard, still aged ten and eigth.

Ned Stark had arrived hours after the Sack had come to an end, and stayed in the capitol until his best friend and brother in all but blood arrived.

Though still crownless, Robert sat on the throne and looked down to the Lannister forces before him, he watched as Tywin gave him a nod of approval, watched as Jaime and Ned looked uneasy for reasons so similar yet so different.

"The King is dead." Lord Roland Crakehall declared loudly enough for everyone in the hall to be able to hear him, "Long live the King!" he added, falling to a bent knee position, an action that was followed by all in the hall.

The hours that followed the public declaration to the Lannister, Northern, Baratheon and Arryn forces, were spent with the wounded being treated, the soldiers getting warm food after months on the road, and with Tywin Lannister presenting the new King with the bodies of the late King Aerys, Princess Elia and Prince Aegon, none of which were in a proper state to be presented to someone, considering the fact that nearly 10 days had passed and the bodies had started to decompose.

"Where's the girl? I remember that he had a daughter." Robert questioned as he looked down to the bodies on the floor before the Throne.

"Ser Gregor Clagane saw the girl's wet nurse leaving the chambers not 10 minutes before he entered, he assumes that she had the girl. They were found two days ago, hiding in the crypts, inside Balerion's skull, they've been taken to Maegor's Holdfast and are being watched every second of the day." Tywin explained, keeping a hand on the hilt of his sword.

Robert was not pleased with the revelation, but it seemed that his best friend was, as he breathed out a sigh of relief. An action that brought his best friend's heated glare to his figure.

"You should pardon her. She is a child who knows not of what her father and grandsire have done, a girl whose duty is to marry and continue another house." Ned told the two Lords before Robert could berate him for his relief.

Robert's brows furrowed at Ned.

Tywin thought momentarily before nodding slightly,  pleased that his knight's carelessness was working in his favour. "The Princess Aemma is in the Citadel, ravens have been sent to inform her of the events that have transpired, she's been summoned to come to King's Landing to swear fealty to you and to pay for her family's crimes." Tywin stated.

Neither Ned, nor Robert looked surprised, as that was exactly what had been done to Ned after the death of his father and brother.

"Now that Princess Rhaenys has been found, you can use her to compell Princess Aemma to return to King's Landing without much rebellion, you can use the young Princess to control Princess Aemma and her actions."

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