~The tail of Stars and Fire~

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I wake up the next morning, feeling quite unrested. No surprise, since I have had nightmares about losing all my friends to Ranrok who was alive again. 

Today I only have boring classes. Arithmancy, Muggle Studies, History of Magic, oh and detention... with Ominis. Ominis who will probably end our friendship after today. Still alone in my dorm, I put on a blouse and a green vest with a plaid skirt. Leaving my cloak here for today. I head for the great hall, eager to get some tea and breakfast. On my way out, I've already picked up a delicious green apple that isn't too sour.

The Great Hall

I enter the grand room, filled with chatter and laughter. Steering towards the Slytherin table, I can make out Seb and Ominis, serving themselves to some food. I decide it's for my own best if I sit beside Sebastian, so I do. "Good morning, Y/N. Have a seat," Seb says, chewing on some toast. "Morning, boys." Just morning because if it was a good morning, I'd still be in bed, not having to face an angry Ominis, but here I am. I plop myself on the bench, reaching for the tea kettle, pouring myself a cup. "You seem very exhausted. Is everything alright?", Seb asks me. "Just haven't rested well." "How could one rest well, when they are out late, getting themselves into trouble?", Ominis throws the question in my direction, as Sebstian starts to frown. Lecture incoming. "Y/N, so you actually sneaked off to the restricted section? Merlin, seriously?" "And little Miss got herself caught." "Wait. How do you know?" "He got himself two weeks of detention aswell," I counter. Seb spits out his tea, he sipped on. "Ominis Gaunt. Hah, I thought I'd never witness the day where you get yourself detention!", he laughs. Ominis is less than happy. "You should talk. How many times did you have to do detention because of your escapades at night? And I'm only in detention because of her," he says angrily, pointing a finger in my face. Sebastian slowly reigns in his laughter, whilst I'm swallowing the lump that has formed in my throat out of angst.

"Well, guys, this breakfast was fun, but I'll have to get to potions." "But potions isn't until tomorrow?!", Ominis yells after him. Perfect. That bastard left me, knowing damn well, what awaits me. To my surprise, Ominis seems pretty calm. "So, tell me, Y/N. How was your night?" Right. "Uhm, to begin with I want to apologize again, because I believe you won't like what you're going to hear." I nervously clear my throat. "This all starts in divination..." I tell him the story in all its detail and how it led to us getting detention, while he listens attentively. His expression turning from confused, to surprised, angry and last but not least, disappointed.

"So it really, was all for a book on divination?" "Yes, in hindsight, it does sound stupid but something about Madam Onai's prediction unsettled me, I guess." Ominis rubs his hand over his face, looking tired aswell. "Ominis, are you okay?" "Oh yes, I am just upset that I got detention over this. But what exactly does the rose mean?" "Apparently, that I will end up in a heart-wrenching relationship but it will be worth it and I should never give up on it." He frowns. "It's what the book says," I defend my answer.

Today seems to go on forever. All the classes last for eternity, with the professors non-stop talking. Even worse, after all this, I still have detention. Atleast not alone. But with Ominis. My mood lightens a bit at the thought. No, stop. It doesn't, he's still a bit mad at me, so I shouldn't get my stupid hopes up. Before almost falling into a slumber, Professor Bins finally dismisses class for the day.

The library

It's almost six o'clock, which would usually mean dinner, but not for me, I already ate and am heading for the library. Atleast I didn't eat alone as Garreth, Natty and Poppy joined me. I push open the heavy doors, seeing that Ominis has already been waiting. The librarian swiftly walks around her desk, magically heaving loads of books toward a free table. "I thought about giving you a much more productive task for today. Sort the books, free them of dust and put them in their destined place. If I catch one of you down the restricted section, I will imediately turn you in on Headmaster Black. You may go whenever you've finished." And with that the crone stomps off, doing Merlin knows what.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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