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*2 month later*
Nathan you know we are supposed to go have our ultrasound today I can't wait so see if it's a girl or a boy.
"Me either I want it to be a girl."Nathan said
I want it to be a girl too, I thought you would want it to be a boy.
"Well let's go see."Nathan said.

*A couple of hours later*
"Well that's the heart beat and there is the baby,Okay so I saw a leg an arm a head and I see girl parts." said the ultrasound doctor.

"Yay" it's a girl. Nathan signed to me.
Yay I said.

On our way back home we we're headed somewhere differntly and I didn't know where but Nathan told me to wait and see.

*a few minutes later*
Wait, I recognize this place I got my coclear here, but why are we here now.
"Because you are here to get a new cochlear and this one is different it is implanted inside of you. I asked all the questions and its a little tiny piece that they will put just under the skin behind your ear and then the other part looks is a piece that looks just like the back of your ear and it has a transmitter that connects to the sound waves around you and it allows you to hear.And the implant doesn't hurt it's just like a little shot."

Okay then let's go in.

Omg I can here every thing right now I can here my self talk and I can here the air conditioner I didn't even know those had sound. talk to me Nathan.
"I love you"
Oh my God I heard you.
I can hear this is so wonderful.
I love you so much Nathan, and Thank you so much doctor

*5 months later*
I'm exactly 7 months pregnant two more months to go. But I have to start setting up for the baby shower.

I invited a lot of people from school mostly your friends and my 7 friends but I don't really have a family so it's a really small party.
"No it won't be baby, you are now apart of my family and my mom is your mom and my family is your family so we are inviting our family"
Okay Thank you I love you so much.

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