Chapter 3

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                    Viransh Singh ranawat

After an hour or so when finally my tears stops and dried, I get up from the ground and went in the bathroom to take a shower.

I starts thinking, how in these 15 years I hired every detective and agent around the world, to find out where does she takes my daughter, and how every time I failed.

Avinash told me thousands of time to give up finding her , but I can't stop myself knowing I may have another child in this world and I am unable to take care of her.

I remember taking my daughter in my arms for the first time years ago , as the doctor gave her to me , wrapped in a white little towel, my little bundle of joy stooped crying and looked at me with her curious hazel eyes.

Her eyes, beautiful just like her mother.

Her eyes are unique , I can only recognize her by her eyes, because her face and body may developed over years but her eyes will never change.
I know this is absolutely absurd , their are millions of people in the world and thousands who have hazel eyes but I can't bring myself to give up on hope of having my daughter with me again.

The moment I take her in my arms I know she is the weakest link connected to my heart.

I don't know that was the last time I am seeing her.

Even after all these years, even after finding nothing , I can't lose hope.

They say the hope is what keeps us alive, true because hope is what motivates us to keep moving farward , hopes is what stay with us even at our lowest time , hope is what built us again.

But hope is also one of the most dangerous think in the words, our hopes and expectations can break us into thousands of  pieces.

I don't know for how long I can stand still in the hope of meeting my daughter again .

I don't know what's hope for me. If

It is what keeping me alive.


It is what stopping me from living.

Every year at this day I found myself in my  newyork penthouse,  locked in the thoughts of my daughter. 

I always came here without telling anyone. In starting only Avinash knows , now rudransh knows this as well but he doesn't know why I came here on this particular date , he never asked.

As, I came out of shower, still lost in my thoughts, my phone pinged with a message

"As you are already there deal with the new York clients they are already insisting on meeting us"
The message read.

Rudransh had taken over ranawat industries at the age of 21, he expanded  ranawat industries to overseas and America reaching new heights.

As Rudransh became the CEO and taken over buisness . I and Avinash decided to let our son's handling the buisness due to several reasons.

We both started a new company together, well not to aligate from family or proving something to our son's but as an escape, work has always been our escape.

We can't just sit at home and let our minds dive into the thoughts of past ,So we decided to work as escape has always been easy than confrontation .

AviAnsh Automobiles started by us, as we are always intersted in cars and bikes since our college days. We drown ourselves in work, trying to forget the painfull memories of past.

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