Traitor, Alpha command, Death

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Riley's pov

As she outs herself to me of being a traitor I am glad no one else is around to hear her and as she finishes I stare at her with anger. After spending thousands of dollars for new omegas she finally comes clean. "You took away three mates of my members who are slowly dying without their mates, they are in the hospital all because of you" "all because of them and you, you taught them that it was okay to let EVERYONE I treat us whether we they were mates or not that we were property, we were nothing but objects to clean, cook, and fuck when you had no one waiting on the side lines, ALPHA" she said making me shake my head pulling at my hair knowing what I had to do even if she didn't like it, I needed her alive. "You will not tell anyone what you have done. You will not tell that you are a traitor to your pack" I said making her stare at me with wide eyes as she cried yet again. "Why, why do you want me alive so much that you would let a traitor in your pack" "because" "THATS NOT AN ANSWER" "BECAUSE I HATE YOU" I said finally telling her how I felt after all these years before I realized what I had said.

"You just killed her completely" I heard my wolf say growling at me and shaking his head. "W-what" "I hate you being my mate, you've caused me so much more trouble already that $500 was never worth it" I said finally telling her the truth of that deal. "YOU BASTARD YOU KILLED MY BABIES FOR $500" she screamed making me stand there staring at her. "They were my kids as well Anastasia, I lost those kids as well" was all I said before I left. Getting to the house I heard Jake laughing with Jasmine in his bedroom and smiled walking up the stairs and to the bedroom watching them through the doorway.

"Hey" I said making her look at me and smile. "Hey hun, where were you" "at the store had to pick somethings up for someone" I said making her smile knowing it was her birthday coming up. "Well I wonder what it could be" "and you'll be wondering for a while" I said walking over to Jake before grabbing him and tickling him. "I have to ask you something" she said making me smile and look up at her before seeing how serious it was. "Yeah of course what is it" "I think we should let Anastasia go, we can disconnect the connection and it will feel empty but I'll be here for you a- no Jasmine I can't believe you would ask me to do that" I said shaking my head.

"She just isn't the same she's more broken than ever" she said making me sigh shaking my head at her once again. "She just needs some time, we had to pull the plug on Daisy today" I said just thinking about it brought a tear to my eye of my little flower. Despite what she thought and what she thinks I did love that little girl, she was my daughter, but I had other responsibilities that I couldn't just put aside, I had to keep up my image with the pack. Which is why she wasn't allowed to ever tell about what she had done that day. Coming out of thought I told them I would be at the pack house as I had to do some paperwork and left.

Anastasia's pov

Going over to his house to give him a peace of my mind in hopes to change his mind more so, I could smell something off, something not right. Getting to the house I could see the flames and quickly ran to the glass door. Shifting I found something to throw at the glass door before watching as it shattered. Jumping into the house I mind linked Riley. "RILEY YOUR HOUSE IS ON FIRE" I yelled waking him from no doubt paperwork. "Jake and Jasmine are in there I'll be on my way" "I'm in the house" "WHAT. GET OUT OF THERE" he yelled at me making me shake my head.

"There's no time it's too hot if I wait for everyone they will be dead. I'm going to at least save this pack if it's the only thing I could save" I said before turning off the link with him. Getting up the stairs I found Jasmine tied to the bed and quickly untied her carrying her outside as she was to weak before hearing a cry of my baby. "STOP ANASTASIA" I heard someone yell making me turn to see Riley and the warriors before shaking my head and ran in before I heard them coming this way. Knowing it was going to be too hot for them to come in I didn't worry about it and followed the cry before finding his room.

Inside were pictures of him and my Daisy and cried before shaking my head and quickly went to the closet to find him crunched scared. "Jake come here" I said grabbing him making him scream at me to let him go making me tear up before going to the window knowing we wouldn't make it down the stairs. "RILEY" I yelled making him look up at us before knowing what we had to do and without a second thought threw him knowing Riley would catch him. After he fell into his arms I watched as he looked up at me with panic and nodded before he shook his head begging me with his eyes. "Moon Goddess hear my prayer, release me from my mate and let there be no tears, for no love was ever built. I release my hold on my mate and beg for the connection to be released" I yelled to the sky feeling the fire begin to swallow me.

"Goodbye Riley" I said before letting go the flames take me, my final end.

Riley's pov

Feeling the little piece of the connection that was there, I felt my mark being pulled from me and felt the emptiness as I watched her gone with the flames and screamed. "ANNNAAAA" but yelling her name had no response back not surprising myself and cried out as I heard the howls of the pack crying with regret and honor of her.

3 months

It's been 3 months since the fire and 3 months of her death. Of these 3 months I had gained strength and my family is stronger than ever. I wish it didn't have to be because of her death but it is, she's the reason for it. Building a memorial for her along with our daughter and son. Our second child was a boy, a boy she had names for so I picked out of the list and named him James, after the man that was a traitor, he had saved the omegas from us.

After her death we changed the way we treated them with respect and as humans with just chores around the house. The ones that had mates in the house finally came out including my beta. He knew about her the day we delivered Jake as she was the omegas doctor which explains why he left Ana alone. My wife and child forgave me for it all and even paid their respects. Every once in a while when I go to visit them I see her and the kids playing around freely with my boy looking about four years old now.

Every time I see them she sees me and nods to me and tells me that she's finally happy and free, she's watching down on us and always will, and I guess that was always in her, she was the rightful Luna after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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