🇨🇦~ The Manger - Part 11 ~🇺🇦

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December25th, 2022.

Ukraine had been discharged from the hospital at about twelve-thirty. She was now sitting in Canada's dark living room, laying on the couch with a hand over her forehead. She felt tired and weak, like how you would feel after just getting out of bed after having the flu for four days.

Canada was gone, he was going to Britain's... We're pretty sure it's a palace, to pick up Quebec. He had slept overnight at the hospital, a fact that made Ukraine a little queasy when she thought about it, soQuebec had been left there.

These past couple of days and all the almost unbelievable stuff that had happened in between them, one thing had come to light to Ukraine. It was that she had someone that was now close in her personal life who cared about her deeply and wanted to help her. Now you may thinkt hat after all she's been through that, this would make her grateful and relived in a way. But no. It made her uncomfortable and she hated it. She didn't need anyone's help, nor did she want it. One of her biggest life goals was being able to prove her worth on her own. Without anybody's help. At all.

As she was laying on the couch, thinking about these things, she got a sudden desire for this all to be over. The journey had been fun, and she had really been loving having a baby around... Just like before...

But this was getting too... Personal for her. As soon as Quebec's mother came and took him back, she would forget all of this, go back to her townhouse, and keep on with her life.

As soon as Quebec's mother came back...

As soon as she came back.

As soon as she came back.




Would she come back?

Ukraine heard that thought run through her head and it made her heart rate spike. She suddenly opened her eyes, albeit her and moved her handfrom her forehead. That was something she hadn't considered before... But she probably should have.

Ukraine now felt scared. She sat up, not caring about how tired she was anymore. She brought her knees up and folded her arms over them, and started to pick at them. It was still dark, so she couldn't really see a lot, but she just needed her mind to feel clearer.

She leaned behind her and turned on the small table lamp to slightly illuminate the room, and then leaned back on the armrest again. She had her mouth slightly agape and her eyebrows ruffled, trying to think all this through. If Quebec's mother didn't come back, then they'd have to admit they'd been keeping him, their governments would want to inspect them and their personal lives (which, let's be honest, they do too much of already), and it would make news for sure. This was becoming too much for Ukraine's tired brain, but the anxious thoughts wouldn't stop coming.

Just on time, the door creaked open and Ukraine turned hastily, making herself dizzy in the process, to see Canada walk in the door withQuebec in his arm. He smiled and shut the door behind him and dropped his keys in the bowl next to the door.

The Manger - A CountryHumans Canada X Ukraine StoryWhere stories live. Discover now