Same-Sex Marriage

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Kurt was in the kitchen cooking the usual dinner they have every Friday night. Humming along to whatever song they were playing on the radio at that moment. 

Kurt drops his spoon when two arms rap around his waist and a familiar pair of lips began to kiss his cheek. 

''Blaine? You made me drop my spoon!'' the anger being kissed away when he fully turns around to face his long-term boyfriend. ''Kurt! You'll never believe what just happened!'' Kurt squints his eyes in confusion. ''What? Is there another bowtie sale? I'm not dragging along with you again.'' Blaine's smile just widens and grabs Kurt's hand into the living room, leaving the spoon on the floor and the dinner on the stove. 

''Okay this is ridiculous if you make me burn the-'' He was cut off by a pair of lips on his ''Kurt, baby, just look at the news'' Kurt rolled his eyes and sat on the couch. 

''Same-Sex marriage now allowed in all 50 states! Grab your significant other and start planning the weddings! The LGBTQ+ Community are getting what they worked hard to get and deserve. Stay tuned to learn more about the new legalization!'' 

Kurt sat there completely astonished, almost like he'd seen a UFO, or something. Blaine's smile still hasn't left his face. Blaine grabbed Kurt's hand to stand him up and face him. ''Kurt can you believe it? We can finally get married! Everyone can get married and won't get rejected.'' Kurt finally snaps back to life and a smile appears on his face. ''I knew it would happen one day.'' He places a light kiss on his boyfriend's mouth and his smile gets wider. 

''So..I planned this differently but I think it's the perfect time with all this happening.'' Blaine kneels down on one knee and grabs Kurt's hand again. ''Kurt, I don't have a ring because I planned this at a completely different time but, I didn't expect all this to happen so early in life and by all this I mean finding the love of my life in high school and falling in love with my best friend.'' Kurt is staring down at him, eyes wide once again. ''I love you with all my heart, I love you so much I can't even find words to explain. It scares me how much I'm in love with you but I've known since the first time we kissed that I wanted to spend the rest of my life kissing you and only you. So you probably are expecting this, but. Kurt, will you marry me?'' There is a silent pause for a few seconds and Blaine begins to talk a little faster ''I know I don't have a ring and this is kind of sudden but I love you and I want more than anything to call you my husband and-'' Kurt grabs pulls him up so he's standing and kisses him, not heated, just a sweet kiss and smiles. ''I would love to marry you, Blaine'' Blaine's lips finally curl back up into a smile and pull him back into a kiss, then once he tries to pull away he pulls him into another kiss, and he continues to do that for another minute or so before Kurt finally laughs and puts and end to it. ''Okay, I have to go finish cooking so the house doesn't burn down.'' He turns around and right before he enters the kitchen he stops. ''Hey, Blaine?'' 

''Yeah?'' Blaine replies, ''I love you.''

''I love you too.'' and he walks into the kitchen to continue cooking for him and his future husband.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2015 ⏰

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