Chapter Thirteen

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Today was the day that Grace had been looking forward to for the last six weeks. Today, she was finally going to have her cast removed. And Grace would no longer need her wheelchair.

"Aunt Lacey, once we finish at the doctors can we go somewhere? I just want to be outside for a while. I like your apartment and hanging out with the guys, especially John, but I have been in that wheelchair so long, I just want to take a walk and enjoy the sunshine." Grace said in a hopeful voice.

"Sure, sweetheart, where do you want to go?" Lacey was happy to see the young girl eager to get out.

"I really don't care, Aunt Lacey, wherever we go is fine with me." Grace replied, while Lacey smiled quietly.

"I have an idea, Sweetheart, if it suits you. I know how you like to go to Orchard Beach? it would be the perfect place for Grace to take a walk. I could have Martha fix us some food and we could picnic. How does that sound?" Ryan asked as he was looking at all of them.

"Sounds fine with me Ryan, what do you think, Grace?" Lacey wanted to make sure it was alright with her and let her make the final choice.

"Perfect," Grace said with a huge smile.

"Okay then, let's head to your room and pack a swimsuit, towel, hairbrush, and sunscreen. Then, once we leave the doctor's office, there will be no need to come back here." Lacey told Grace, already walking towards her bedroom.

"While you take care of that, Sweetheart, I'm going to go talk to Martha. Do you want anything special to eat?" Ryan knelt in front of Grace; he reached out ruffling the top of her head.

She shook her head and told him 'No', and he turned to see if Lacey wanted to make a request. "Sweetheart, you want Martha to make you anything special?"

"You know what I like, Surprise me." She said in her sweetest voice.

"Sweetheart," Ryan shook his head and walked out of the apartment.

Thirty minutes later, lunch was fixed, the duffle bags were packed, and everyone was piled in the SUV. The atmosphere, on the ride to the doctor's office, had a palpable feeling of excitement. The thought of getting rid of the cast and being able to enjoy some of the summer had Grace giddy, she was bouncing in her seat. Ryan didn't seem to mind the endless chatter or her inability to sit still. She was a lot like her aunt in that regard.

The past week had been tough on Grace. When Lacey called to check on her riding lessons, they said if she missed her first practice, they would fill her spot. Lacey had tried to explain the cast would be off the following week, but the stables told her that was their policy, and they were unable to alter it. So, riding lessons had to be canceled for the summer.

When they arrived at the doctor's office, Ryan sat with Grace while Lacey went and checked them in. Lacey hoped that the wait wouldn't be too long, so that they could be on their way. She was looking forward to going to the beach. She hadn't been to Orchard Beach in a few years ago, and that was for the 4th of July celebration. Lorena and Scott had just gotten married and wanted to have a cookout on the beach and watch the fireworks. Lacey had asked Ryan to go with her, because her and Joe had been in the 'off again' section of their relationship, but he had been avoiding her and she had to go alone. She didn't realize she was crying until she felt Ryan's thumb on her cheek, wiping away a tear.

"You okay, Sweetheart? Do you want to go back home when we leave here?" Ryan spoke quietly, concern lacing his voice, and the emotion visible in his eyes.

"No, I'm fine. I was just thinking about the last time I was at Orchard Beach; remember when my sister invited everyone for the cookout on the 4th of July? I miss her and doing things with her. I want to go today. Have a good time and start making new memories; besides I haven't gotten to wear my new swimsuit, yet." Lacey said with a wicked expression on her face.

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