Chapter Seven

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After they went to Dunkin for donuts, the local Pizzeria for a supreme pizza, and McDonald's for large cokes and fries, which Ryan ate everything, they headed back to the hospital.

When they arrived on the ICU floor, they were met in the hallway by Dr. Bentley. "Good afternoon. You will be pleased to know that Graces condition did continue to improve over the course of last night and this morning, so she was moved to the fifth floor in a private room."

"That is wonderful news" Lacey smiled at the doctor and shook her hand.

"I have signed a form stating that Grace is to be checked out in your care, in order to attend her mother and stepfather's funeral. Grace will need to be in a wheelchair the entire time and as soon as the funeral is over, she will need to return to the hospital. I would say if everything continued to improve, she will be released by Monday, I will administer Tylenol for her before she leaves and that should minimize her discomfort, so was not on a restricted diet now, so feel free to feed her anything she desires. Are there any other questions or concerns?" she smiled and looked back at her chart.

"No, I think you covered everything." Thank you.

"You're very welcome." And she walked down the hall.

"Ryan, would you mind if I went in and talked to Grace by myself. She doesn't know you too well yet and I don't want her to feel intimidated by you."

"No Sweetheart, not at all, I understand. I have a couple of phone calls I need to make so I'll just hang out in the waiting room." He turned to her in the elevator and took her in his arms. "Do I make you feel intimidated Sweetheart?' His lips were slightly twitching, and his eyes were twinkling.

Leaning into his embrace she smiled up at him, "You know you do. I bet even your own mother feels that way when you walk into the room."

"Sweetheart," Ryan smiled his two-hundred-watt smile and then leaned in to place a lingering kiss on her lips. They stayed that way until the elevator stopped.

"See ya in a few." Lacey smiled and walked down the hall toward Graces room, leaving him to his phone calls.

Lacey suddenly felt a wave of panic as she neared the hospital door. She had been trying to be strong in front of Ryan, but truth be told she was scared to death. What in the world possessed her sister to think that she could raise her only daughter, she couldn't even walk into the room and talk to her. "Get a grip" she told herself. "She's only a little girl, I was little once, I can handle this." She wasn't entirely sure that was true, but she held her chin high and walked into the room.

When she entered Grace was lying in bed watching a SpongeBob cartoon. "Hey Aunt Lacey, Grace said, but never took her eyes off the show.

"How are you feeling today? The doctor told me that you were doing much better." Lacey said as she pulled a chair up to the bed and sat down.

"Yeah, I feel better except my chest hurts a lot. Dr. Bentley said that would happen until my ribs heal." was Grace's reply.

"The doctor is telling you the truth. I had broken ribs once and it hurt. Just try not to move around too much, and don't take deep breaths.

"Listen do you mind if I turn off the television? I need to have a little talk with you." Grace shook her head, so Lacey picked up the remote and turned the TV off.

"The reason I am a little late getting here today is because I had to talk to a lawyer. Your mother had left some instructions with him in case something happened to her, and I need to discuss them with you." When Grace nodded, she went on.

"Your mother wanted you to stay with me. She left me her house and some money so that I could take care of you. She wanted you to be someplace safe, and still be able to see your friends. And have your own room."

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