♤ Newest Invention ♤

105 8 4

Underneath the metallic, cold and broken vending machine, a tunnel wound through the ground and ended right inside a laboratory, which was slightly abandoned after Inanimate Insanity went on hiatus. A thin layer of dust littered some of the desks, with neat stacks of paper with intricate equations and sketches on them.

A computer stood on a desk, a keyboard and mouse with it. Behind it was a shelf, with pictures of little moments in time immortalised and stuck on them. One, a Test tube, with green liquid poured into it, holding a green and white striped egg, alongside a semi-closed red and yellow fan. On the desk, was a Spoiled Lemon VIP ticket, two of them. Next to the desk, was an unfinished animatronic version of Bow, various wires and pieces of metal sticking out of it.

The light reflected on Test Tube, who had a lab coat, yellow-tinted goggles fastened around her eyes, and a robot arm fixed into her back. In one hand, she held a screwdriver, and in another hand, a metal panel with a circle shaped hole in it. Her eyes looked focused as she held the metal panel and used the screwdriver to fix it in place.

"Ah, where'd I put the power source.." Test tube turned around, screwdriver in hand. "I swear I left it here, on this desk." She put the screwdriver down, dashing to her room and being careful to not fall over and spill herself.

She stopped right at the doorway of her room, looking around. A bed, with dark blankets was in the corner, meanwhile multiple posters were pasted around her room. She flicked on the light, which illuminated the room instantly. Looking around, she pressed her hand against her rim. "Where did I put it.." Then, she spotted it, not before a small bang echoed through her laboratory. Peeking her head out of the doorway, she didn't see anything unusual.

It's probably just someone like Cherries or Yin-Yang. They'd normally set something off up there.

Looking back inside, her eyes lit up seeing a small little container with golden ends at both sides, a blue gas moving inside of it.

"EUREKA!" She yelled, a little too loud. "Oops." Holding the container, labelled 'Experiment 915', she stared at the light blue and white gas constantly bouncing inside of it. Though she didn't know what it exactly was, she knew it would provide enough energy.

Speeding over to the behemoth of metal she had created in her laboratory, her eyes glinted.

Following after my footsteps?

Test tube stepped back a little, hearing what felt like someone talking to her. She shrugged it off, and clicked a button on the control panel. A whirring sound could be heard, and a claw reached out of the machine. Test tube knew that putting Experiment 915 into this claw would provide the power source, and then all she had to do was click a couple buttons and all her had work would pay off.

I see some.. potential

Test tube glanced back, but nothing was there. Strange. Again, she shrugged it off. It was probably the voices from the party leaking into her laboratory.

She put 915 in the claw, before clicking a button. The claw retracted, taking the power source with it. The machine made another whirring sound, before Test tube faced the control panel. On the screen, it read 'OPEN TIME RIFT? Y/N'. Immediately, she shifted to Y, confirmed it, and then stood back.

For a second, nothing happened. Then another second. Test tube was starting to think that the machine was broken in some way.

A horrendous shriek came out of the machine, which made Test tube jump back a little. She reached her hand to the 'E-STOP' button, but suddenly the lasers shot towards each other, and Test tube watched as a blue portal started to form, pulling a nearby screw into it. Her eyes lit up with awe, and instinctively she reached a hand towards it.

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