♧ The Downpour ♧

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A/N: sorry for being away for so long I got caught up with school, I'm back though!

Tree stood back in shock, his eyes widening. He felt his hands shaking, they were sweating. He could feel sap running down his leaves, his glasses felt like rocks on his branches. "I- we need.." His voice was drying up. "RUN!" He rushed past Remote, almost tripping up and into Black Hole. "Wha- what about the team? Preventing death- we need to prevent REMOTE'S death. Come on, let's just..."

"Do what, Black hole? In a minute we're all going to die, unless we just leave right now!" Tree stared right at Black hole, who was rather nervous.

"Teehee! I don't like the sound of permanent death!"

"We need to get moving - look what happened to Pillow, Four is after you, you know. You're the only one who can destroy them, except for Donut, who probably already died!" A distant zap flashed across the sky, a beam of white. "Black hole, at least do something!"

Black hole still looked hesitant. "But Remote is our friend, and we can't just kill her! What would the rest of our team think?"

" 'I'm glad they didn't die from Remote's explosion', probably!" Tree shook his head. "Come on, just face it, we'll have to leave her.." He glanced at the sky, which flashed with a beam of white again.

A scream echoed as pieces of a yellow object flew over, leaving a streak of smoke in the sky.

"Tee-hee! I think that was Yello-"


"I think an even better solution is if Black hole kills Remote because she's obviously going to go kill more people after she downloads that bomb!"

"And how do you know that Remote won't just explode here and kill me and Bottle? You're lucky, being almost-indestructible and all." Tree pointed at Black hole, getting increasingly closer to the spacial entity.

"Of course im not gonna kill Remote, we can still save her!"

"How? Taking the batteries out of her?"

"You could try that before abandoning her, at least."

Tree approached Remote, but realised there were four screws he needed to get rid of first. He looked around. "We need a screwdriver-"

"Download complete."

Black hole swung up in horror, looking around for a second or two. Before he could do anything however, Remote discharged a large amount of electricity, blowing a couple of leaves off of Tree, before dashing off, leaving the other two perplexed and horrified. "She's headed towards the crowd, we need to STOP-"

"Black HOLE. Let's just go." Tree narrowed his eyes, which darkened as clouds started to gather.

Black hole sighed. "You're right." A sigh of relief came from the other two. Swinging among his team, he picked them up with his gravitational pull and flew off, regret slowly setting in him.


"Losers, let's go!" Pin cried, however she grunted seeing a crowd of objects near Loser. "LOSERS! WE NEED TO GO, NOW!" Pin yelled, causing the others to look at her. "Okay, uhm, Four's gone crazy so we need to start moving now or we'll die?" Pin felt the green, sickly feel of ooze drip down her head.

Clock dragged himself away from the crowd. "You'll probably forget about me, won't you? Like all of the other Losers did." He stared at Pin, his clock hands endlessly ticking in frustration.

Pin sighed. "You don't really care about Loser, do you? I guess I kind of wonder why the others do, if they all hated him for lying all those episodes ago-"

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