Daddy's Favourite.

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After denying that he wouldn't have a favourite child a million times, Tobias' actions were the complete opposite the moment Tomiwa Rafaela Fernandez was born.

He was up and at the theatre the moment he had her cry and unlike the last time where he had to keep sitting down because he felt faint, he was the first to hold her. He didn't even pretend to not cry when he had first held the twins. It was waterworks. He had never seen something so little and beautiful.

"Girls are just different, you know?" Alvaro had told him once as he watched his daughter and Eniola sleep.

It was her last night at the hospital and the ex-lawyer could not have been any more right as he patted Tobias' back.

Alvaro had taken a direct flight from New York when he had gotten the text that Eniola was in labour and stayed in the hospital the entire ten hours.

Tobias just laughed, quickly wiping a lone tear from his face again, before putting his hand on the glass.

She was different.

Everybody knew it.

Somehow, the girl had healed something in him. Something he didn't even know was wounded. He often wondered if it was because he lost his mother so suddenly and never really had the bond he wanted with his sister. She had filled that missing part in him the very second her small hand wrapped around his finger and didn't let go.

Tobias had seen Eniola smile at him through his tears before he leaned down to kiss her on the mouth. "You deserve the world, my Queen."

And he meant it.

He had a knack for spoiling her and it was his love language and he didn't miss anything this time. She had insisted she got back to the company half a year later and the first thing he had done was get her her own jet to make her weekly flights easier.

Varo had talked on and on and preached about how it polluted the weather but when it came to Eniola, the world could burn for all he cared.

He still didn't know the right way to propose and they hadn't brought it up for two years. He was definitely going to ask but man, it suddenly became difficult. They had been together for almost ten years but popping the question was intimidating.

He still wanted it though.

"Daddy, my bow!" A small voice beside called his attention and he looked down to see his angel giving him her hair clip.

He took it and like the last time, checked if it was broken.

It wasn't.

She just had a lot of fun taking it off and making him put it back.

"Princess..." his voice was low but he couldn't get himself to chastise her. Never. "You took it off, didn't you?"

Mimi giggled and covered her face with her hands. "I'll never tell!"

He knew that line.

It was something a character from Jake and The Neverland Pirates always said. He thought the cartoon was a little advanced for her but she preferred it because it was all her brothers watched.

Tobias couldn't help but smile, playing into her tricks and clipping her bow again.

She clapped and looked around, her gray eyes wide and curious. "You said we were going to have ice-cream. Where's the ice-cream?!"

He also looked around before nodding.

"I did but you're going to promise me you won't tell mummy and the twins." Eniola would give him another lecture about spoiling her, Mu would say ice-cream caused bad teeth and Yin would raise hell until he got his own ice-cream.

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