The Recital

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The twins were quite the pair.

With one parent being one of the most controversially famous women in America and the other, an oddly wealthy Spaniard with a lot of business secrets, they had everything they could ever wish for. They even had a godfather who legally destroyed civilians and was now a strong candidate for the president of government in Spain.

They were lucky.

The twins, Alejandro and Casimiro looked exactly similar but were as different as they could be even at the ages of four.

Alejandro, fondly called Little Yin, a name given to him by Chun Wang, was exactly like his mother. Even with his babble of words, he was strong-willed and had recently chosen 'no' as his favorite word. His tiny feet had barely touched the ground before he started to run and then jump.

It was like a frustratingly unending game of the floor is lava when it came to him.

He preferred to hang onto railings and chair armrests than to walk on the floor. He parkoured his way through the furniture before his parents and caretaker caught him.

Casimiro (Little Mu) however was everyone's sweet little angel.

He smiled a lot, barely said anything, and could sit in a spot for minutes at a time which for a toddler was incredibly impressive. He was very sensitive as well and would cry when he was scolded (which rarely happened).

Like his brother, he was dark-skinned with curly brown hair and a unique feature —his eyes. Unlike Little Yin, he had differently colored eyes; his left eye was brown and his right was a mix of gray and green. The doctors had said it was heterochromia and that it was harmless.

They thought it was pretty cool and Little Yin liked his brother's eyes the most.

Little Mu was incredibly shy and that was the main reason he was currently crying in his mother's arms.

"Baby... what's wrong?" Eniola asked, rubbing his back reassuringly. His funny pirate costume was beginning to get rumpled. Tobias was going to throw a fit after being made to iron every one of the multiple pleats on the shirt.

"I don't wanna..." His small voice was muffled as he hid his face in her chest.

Eniola looked around with a small smile.

They were getting stares.

They always did.

"You don't wanna go up there, do you?" She asked softly, watching him nod. "It's scary, isn't it?"

He nodded again.

It was supposed to be his last day in kindergarten and they had a recital to do as a graduating act.

Alejandro was more than ready to tear down the stage after singing the theme of Jake and the Neverland Pirates for the past several days. Casimiro on the other hand took one look at the crowd and got hiccups due to his stage fright.

"Well, you don't have to," she reassured him, smiling as he stretched out his pinky finger.

"Promise?" She laughed at his cuteness but linked their fingers and kissed his knuckles.


He did not have to go on stage if he didn't want to. It wasn't in any way important.

Little Mu was satiated by now as he climbed onto the empty seat right next to her so he could watch his brother who was yet to perform.

She frowned for a brief second.

Where is he?

"Did he convince you to let him stay here?" The voice reversed her frown and she smiled to see Tobias right in front of her.

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