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The movie was over, and Carmen out the kids to bed. 10 minutes later, she sat down in the couch. 

She wasn't the slightest bit sleepy, so she pulled out her phone and started scrolling, Gray was with Her and he was equally awake. They both were talking about random stuff

"If you had one wish, what would it be?" Gray asked Carmen, caressing her hair 

"I would definitely bring back my dad..."

"I would bring my family back.." carmen moved closer to him and asked

"What have you been doing the past couple months ?"

Nothing much, just missing you.. "Nothing much, I took back my job at the Opera House."

"Nice. I've been helping my mama run the orphanage. It's surprisingly refreshing, being surrounded by little kids. They're so much better than the company we used to have at V.I.L.E"

"Yeah that's true" he said wrapped his arm around her. They stayed silent for a while, then she noticed that Gray had fallen asleep on her shoulder. 

Carmen kissed his forehead and the two fell asleep together on the couch.


Carlotta got back home. She rang the doorbell, but Carmen and gray were asleep, so Adorra opened the door 

"Hi Carlotta! Carmen and gray are asleep" she said smiling and pointing at the two lovebirds on the couch ❤️💅✨

A few hours later, Carmen woke up and when she saw gray on her shoulder she blushed and whispered "I love you..." she kissed his cheek and went back to sleep, coming closer, wrapping him up In a hug 🤗 

When they woke up, Gray found himself tangled up in Carmen's arms, still feeling all cozy and loved. Carmen let out a sleepy yawn and snuggled even closer, burying her face in his arms. ❤️🖤

With a contented smile, she whispered, "Morning, handsome," before planting a soft kiss on his lips. 

Then, they both just lay there for a while, in the warmth of each other's arms, not needing words to express how they felt. Just being together was enough.

As they lay there, Carmen couldn't help but playfully tickle Gray's side, earning a groan and a half-hearted swat in return. Laughing, she teased him about his morning hair, which stuck up in all directions like he'd been electrocuted. 

Gray replied by pulling her closer and planting a flurry of kisses all over her face, making her blush uncontrollably. ❤️❤️❤️

Eventually, they reluctantly untangled themselves from each other and stumbled out of bed, still half-asleep. Carmen raided the kitchen for coffee while Gray attempted to make pancakes for everyone 😂 resulting in a mess of batter splattered everywhere. They laughed it off, deciding to go for cereal instead.

Sitting at the kitchen table, they talked about everything and nothing, sharing silly stories and dreams for the future. Carmen couldn't help but admire the way Gray's eyes sparkled when he talked about his passions, and Gray couldn't resist stealing glances at Carmen when she wasn't looking. 

After breakfast, they decided to go for a walk in the park, hand in hand, enjoying each other's company and the crisp morning air. They kicked through piles of leaves and chased each other like kids, engulfed by the simple joy of being in love.

As they returned home, they collapsed onto the couch, exhausted but happy. Carmen rested her head on Gray's shoulder, feeling utterly content. In that moment, nothing else mattered except the two of them, together against the world.

And as the day faded into evening, they curled up on the couch, watching cheesy rom-coms and sharing popcorn, knowing that as long as they had each other, they had everything they needed.

Don't Let Go ❤️🔥 a redcrackle fan fiction ❤️🔥Where stories live. Discover now