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It was Friday when Rahim Khan, uncle of Siala Praveen, received the massage from Community secretary Hamid Sheikh to attend the mosque for an urgent meeting after the prayers. Rahim knew there was nothing strange about such invites, the community secretary would call the members for meetings on matters which had needed consensus of the majority to address matters crucial to their communal well-being.

As Rahim Khan entered the mosque, he felt an air of notable curiosity and anticipation surrounded the gathered community members. The looks he received and the responses he encountered were marked by a peculiar intensity, leaving him with a strange feel that all eyes were on him, as if they all had been awaiting his arrival for a specific purpose. The unusual attention stirred a quiet unease within him as he walked through the mosque, prompting a flurry of thoughts and speculations about the reason for today's summons.

With a drastic reduction in Muslim populations in the village after India's partition took place, the only mosque in Village Chack too had changed dramatically, having fallen into a state of disrepair. The paint on its walls had worn out, the ceiling needed repair, and the floor mat showed signs of age, reflecting the dwindling numbers of the Muslim community in the village to fund for its regular maintenance. Despite its physical wear and tear, the mosque had remained a cherished hub for the Muslim community in the village, a place where they could seek relief, share in each other's joys and sorrows, and reaffirm their collective identity as a community in the face of hard times.

Following the prayer, the community secretary, Hamid Sheikh, a commanding figure of impressive stature and persuasive eloquence, rose to address the assembled members. His imposing presence seized the attention of the gathering, setting the stage for an announcement of a significant concern.

"You all have been requested to be here for a special purpose," Hamid Sheikh began, his voice carrying a tone of profound seriousness.

"We are one community, and as such, the problems and difficulties faced by any of us, becomes a matter of shared responsibilities for all of us with all possible support and empathy. A matter of grave concern has surfaced in one of our families, and we are called upon to safeguard our collective interests and values by standing in solidarity with the family facing this adversity. I trust that you all are with me on this," he continued, his words resonating with an unwavering conviction.

As Hamid Sheikh spoke, a hushed reverence settled over the gathering, each member attentive to the implications of the situation at hand. A unanimous raising of hands in unison to his call, displayed a powerful unity and commitment to the collective well-being of the community.

The impact of Hamid Sheikh's address spread a feeling of confidence that they were one even in their difficulties, that they stand as one in the face of any stroke of ill luck whatsoever.

The community secretary, Hamid Sheikh turned his attention of Rahim Khan and paused looking at him, his eyes were full of compassion, and it startled Rahim for a while. He was already alarmed ever since he stepped into the mosque today, feeling everyone's gaze on him.

"Rahim, what is this we have heard about your family?" inquired Hamid Sheikh, his tone grave and serious.

Rahim Khan, taken aback by the unexpected question, his brow furrowed with confusion replied, "Please explain what you are asking about my family?"

Hamid Sheikh turned to another member of the community, Sajid, and urged him to speak.

"Yes, Sajid, please do not hesitate. It's an important matter to address here. Rahim is one of us," he said, his eyes fixed on Rahim Khan.

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