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Amidst this halcyon setting of village Chack, there lived an twenty-year-old boy named Biccha, from a humble Hindu lower-caste family, whose tall and robust frame exuded strength and vitality. With a dark complexion that spoke of long days under the sun, Biccha possessed a rugged charm that was complemented by the sparkling brilliance of his white teeth whenever he broke into laughter. His easy and infectious laughter was a indication to his joyful spirit.

Bichha's family owned no land, and his father Bahadur and mother Bachno would toil in the fields owned by the Sikh families to make ends meet and to provide for their modest needs. Bichha had two younger brothers and one sister Keshi, and they all lived a simple yet content life in their small mud-brick house in the middle of the village. Bichha's days would be filled with toil in the verdant fields that surrounded the village, where he worked tirelessly alongside his family. 

Despite the laborious nature of his work, Biccha carried within him the soul of an incurable romantic. As he would move through the fields, his resonant voice would rise in heartfelt melodies, singing love songs that echoed across the rolling landscape. His rich, melodic voice wove through the air, infusing the surroundings with a sense of passion and longing that spoke to the depths of his romantic nature. Whether he was tending to the crops or engaged in other tasks, Bichha's love songs would rise and fall, blending with the rustling of the wind and the gentle murmurs of the fields. His unabashed expression of emotion through his singing revealed the tender heart that beat within his strong, well-built frame, endearing him to those who knew him.

In the outskirts of Bichha's village, it was a serene and idyllic setting, where lush fields stretched as far as the eye could see, and the gentle rustling of the breeze carried the sweet scent of blooming crops. Under the expansive canopy of a towering old tree, Biccha and his friends would gather, seeking respite from the warmth of the sun. The dappled sunlight filtering through the leaves would create a tranquil ambience, providing the perfect backdrop for moments of camaraderie and contemplation.

As the day would progress, women from the village would traverse the fields, carrying baskets laden with hearty lunches and evening tea for their families who toiled under the sun. The coruscating colors of their traditional attire of Salwar and Kameez, would stand out against the grass-covered landscape, and the rhythm of their footsteps would blend harmoniously with the natural consonance of the agriculture land.

Amid this picturesque scene, Biccha would often find himself inspired by the romantic allure of the vast open fields. When the women passed by, he would be filled with longing for a beloved, and his voice would rise in heartfelt melodies that echoed through the tranquil air. His songs, infused with emotion and yearning, would carry across the fields, weaving a tale of love and desire that resonated with the timeless essence of his youthful romance.

In the company of his friends, Bichha's youthful spirit would shine brightly, and together they would share laughter, stories, and the simple pleasures of rural life. 

As the women continued on their paths, the strains of Bichha's songs would linger, blending with the lively shade of the greenbelt and adding a touch of wistful romance to the blossoming moments in the fields outside the village.

It was this tranquil ambiance under the old tree in the fields outside the village where Bichha's life took a fateful turn. As he sat with his friends, his gaze fell upon a young girl walking by, and in that one moment, the course of his life was forever altered. This girl, with an aura of enchantment surrounding her, had belonged to a Muslim family residing in a solitary house situated amidst the sprawling fields across the village.

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