[S1E4]I'm done with the lingo

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An unfamiliar feeling surrounds Y/n as he slowly comes to. The bed he found himself on was too nice, the blanket too warm, the pillow too soft, and even the roof was off. It was much nicer looking and he didn't have a thought in the back of his head about insurance money by just looking at it. "Where am I," Y/n questioned as he tried to sit up from the bed he was laying on. He felt himself held down as he did so. So in an attempt to free himself he threw off the blanket to see what was clamped to him, whatever it was it was warm. His expression then shifted from one of confusion to one of shock followed by a large blush.

There, laying in bed with Y/n was Rias Gremory. She was just as naked as he was and was clinging to him. He tried to think of something that'd explain why someone like her is with someone like him. After a moment of that thought process he remembered that she was in the same bed as him and they were BOTH naked. He nearly fell out of bed as he got out of it. In the process he ended up stirring Rias from her slumber. She slowly rises from her slumber, the blanket still slumped over her as she wipes her eyes and yawns in a way Y/n could only describe as cute.

Y/n, much to his dismay, immediately notices how big her boobs are and the fact that he can see her perky pink nipples. He turns his head and clamps his eyes shut, "I'm sorry! I don't know how we got into the same bed together but if I've done anything I apologize profusely and will take responsibility for failings in self discipline!"

Rias tilted her head in confusion, another cute yawn escaping her before she bursts into a fit of giggles. "Y/n you're fine you're fine. You didn't do anything to me," She replied as she waved her hand dismissively. "That being said I wouldn't be apposed to it if you did. You've certainly got a mighty Excalibur~" She sang song.

Y/n's blush only grew as he attempted to hide his dick, having forgotten he was naked. "While I appreciate the compliment you can do much better than me. Now, can I get my clothes back please? And an explanation for what the hell is going on," He requested with a hasty tone. 

Rias sighs, "You're being far too modest Y/n." She then gets up, giving Y/n a good view of her body even though his eyes are clamped shut. While doing so, she unconsciously puts on a bit of a show with her supple body, though its wasted as again Y/n's eyes are shut. "Oh and yeah I can give you your clothes back. You will have to do with only your school blazer though. Your shirt has too big a hole in it and Akeno is too busy to sow it any time soon," She answered him nonchalantly as she approached the door. Her hand reaches for the knob before she stops, "Oh that's right. Do you mind staying for a bit after collecting your stuff? There's something we need to talk about." Y/n nods his head.

Rias then claps once, "Perfect! Your clothes are on the love seat in the corner of the room. OH! I'll be right back, I have to take a shower. Although," She bites her lip as she looks him up and down, "You're welcome to join me~" Y/n shakes his head frantically, causing Rias to shrug and leave the room.

Y/n quickly takes this moment to get dressed and take a seat in the chair. He then cradles his head in his arms as he began to think. Why was she doing this? Is this a prank? Is she taking pity on him? Is she planning to use this as blackmail? How did he end up in this situation?! Last thing he remembers was that he was on a date with Yuu-- his breath hitches as he felt a burning sensation in his chest. He had put on his shirt anyways as he'd rather cover up as much as possible. That being said, there was quite a large hole in his shirt that he was feeling up in his panic.

"Fallen angels are real... I was tricked and killed by one... but... how am I here," he thought aloud as he continued to rub his chest in hope that it was his mind playing tricks on him. However, he couldn't quite come to grips with a logic answer for what he saw. She had transformed in front of him, a spear made of light had gored him, and he watched her fly away. None of that could be explained beyond supernatural means...

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