[S1E2]All Aboard!

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Y/n's hand gently hits the alarm as he wakes up. He wipes his eyes as he slowly sits up and looks around and scowled before he let out a deep sigh and got up from his couch. There was the small living room he was in that lead to the small kitchen. The kitchen had a door that lead to the tiny bathroom, which luckily had a shower. In spite of his circumstances he was thankful to even have a place as he went through his morning routine. Shower, Brush his teeth, get dressed, deodorant, and a recent change to his daily routine being the feeding of a black cat that he had recently taken in. He found her hiding in a box in an alleyway on the way home from his first day of school. She was cold, malnourished, and even had a broken leg.

So he took her in and even made her a makeshift splint as he didn't have money to spare. He had considered interacting with his parents. Even if he was a failure they wouldn't let an animal die due to his own short comings but then he remembered his brother. He'd rather not let his brother know anything about the situation. So he made do with what he had. Luckily, in spite of who he was, the cat took a liking to him and has been recovering quite well.

"I have a date Kuroka..." He whispers, not believing his own words, as he pours the cat her kibble. He had given her a Japanese name since he was in Japan, he was just lucky she took a liking to it. She meowed at him in a tone that seemed as surprise as he was. "Yeah... I really did. I still think there's something fishy like a prank show or something of the like but she seemed so honest..." He trailed off as he looped the conversation in his mind for what felt like the millionth time. The teen's head shakes as he lets the thought drop. He then headed to the door and waved his cat goodbye as he left.

He would soon find himself at the town center ten minutes early and much to his surprise Yuma was also there. She was stunning even in her simple purple blouse and white skirt. "A-ah Yuma... Were you waiting for me," He asked with an apologetic tone. 'I should've gotten here twenty minutes earlier. Idiot...'

"Nope! Not at all! I just got here! I was just so excited that I couldn't bear the thought of keeping YOU waiting," she giggled with a great big shining smile.

Y/n of course was incapable of understanding the mere idea of someone worrying about making him wait but he knew not to be rude so he quickly brushed it off as her just being nice. "You're too kind..." He mumbles with a bashful expression as he scratches the back of his head.

"Nope!" Yuma shouted as she pointed at Y/n.

"Huh?" He looked up to her with a confused stare.

"Nope! We're on a date silly. You're not allowed to get mopey," she giggled as she came up to him and used her pointer fingers to force him to make a great big smile. "Yeah that's it. Ya gotta look more like that. Now let's get breakfast. I'm sure you're just as hungry as I am," She stated with a bubbly smile.

In spite of his thoughts screaming at him that something is up, Y/n followed her happily. Something about Yuma's energy and personality was infectious. He followed her to a small restaurant that went for an American diner vibe much to Y/n's surprise. He got a kick out of their menu and a few of it's "authentic" American meals. Y/n would order a burger with two patties topped with egg and teriyaki sauce. Along with that he'd get chili cheese fries and a strawberry shake to share. Yuma got herself a similar burger.

"So Y/n, tell me about yourself? Do you have any hobbies," Yuma asked in between bites of her burger with genuine interest.

Y/n took a sip from the shake as he thought about it. Some... unpleasant memories surfaced but he quickly brushed them aside. He then answered her, "I like to play the violin. Though I'm really no good with it."

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